condition mean min max Egg cell 9.11586 8.28626 10.0255 Ovary 2.283666666666667 1.54694 2.89541 Ovule 5.674315 3.3711 10.8534 Microspore 3.0581198 0.0 6.61088 Bicellular microspore 0.730799 0.730799 0.730799 Pollen (mature) 0.09047748378378379 0.0 0.857545 Pollen tube 0.04140716666666667 0.0184972 0.0632881 Sperm cell 1.1078991 0.0694887 2.78546 Pollen tube 0.04140716666666667 0.0184972 0.0632881 Tassels (primordia) 14.7616 10.5136 20.1194 Tassels (anther) 9.369664615384616 6.57197 13.2135 Tassels 9.13461875 2.04422 15.1409 Silk 6.8336735 0.446947 13.2204 Ear 7.986947 1.92121 16.0529 Ear (immature) 3.8725133333333335 3.30939 4.52111 Ear (inflorescence) 4.13155 2.11035 6.15275 Ear (primordia) 12.72992 2.48392 17.4966 Zygote (12 HAP) 12.312683333333334 8.02795 17.1141 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.626363333333333 5.32427 8.28559 Daughter cell (apical) 6.448686666666667 1.89545 10.0359 Daughter cell (basal) 6.14353 2.52485 10.1438 Embryo 6.891405555555556 3.23875 11.1175 Nucellus 21.68525 20.8162 22.5543 Endopserm 4.3120765 0.969331 9.71532 Kernel 9.693113333333333 2.56467 14.9049 Kernel (germinating) 10.9722 10.9571 10.9873 Seeds 9.788572424242425 1.55132 15.0862 Embryo Sac 6.778544999999999 6.22092 7.33617 Pericarp and aleurone 5.9777 5.9777 5.9777 Coleoptile (5 day) 10.084433333333333 7.125 11.8499 Seedling 10.55919695652174 3.179 21.8257 Internode 15.136488571428572 3.48572 24.9374 Sheath 10.64873 9.91046 11.387 Shoot (apex) 11.6580072 2.60751 30.7972 Shoot 4.707925833333333 2.43702 11.9918 Whole plant 8.448509999999999 5.91344 11.4436 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.6517850000000003 2.64061 2.66296 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.8033 5.50019 7.84518 Apical meristem 7.92502 7.92502 7.92502 Stem and meristem 9.50667 8.76394 10.2494 Stems 12.335001250000001 7.67947 17.441 Stem (Internode) 17.8351 16.5658 19.8534 Leaf 10.697857297297297 1.43515 122.764 Leaf (apex) 11.035035 9.56587 12.5042 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.8359550000000002 1.84288 5.82903 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.26603 3.88017 4.51671 Leaf (seedlings) 6.674792 1.82516 11.8122 Leaf and kernel 4.52573 3.05289 6.20626 Ear (leaf) 9.65162 9.65162 9.65162 Root 11.551538229166667 1.90023 22.9026 Root (elongation zone) 3.64765675 0.814177 7.43512 Root (meristematic zone) 5.450945 5.11186 5.79003 Root (stele) 21.932075 18.763 24.5062 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 12.8458 12.8458 12.8458 Secondary root 4.59166 4.59166 4.59166 Root, root hairs removed 11.8757 11.8757 11.8757 Root (maturation zone) 1.32596 1.32596 1.32596