condition mean min max Egg cell 47.380766666666666 35.5845 57.232 Ovary 1.0188703333333333 0.592391 1.45571 Ovule 44.598875 13.3221 98.4985 Microspore 18.026564 1.9276 27.8065 Bicellular microspore 2.12597 2.12597 2.12597 Pollen (mature) 1.339687108108108 0.226156 7.11079 Pollen tube 0.34697666666666666 0.268173 0.439164 Sperm cell 6.272993857142858 0.257861 13.791 Pollen tube 0.34697666666666666 0.268173 0.439164 Tassels (primordia) 12.238275 10.9857 14.1251 Tassels (anther) 16.608538461538462 11.7997 26.5539 Tassels 9.5942985 0.560908 16.7325 Silk 7.891775 2.91055 12.873 Ear 8.029259999999999 3.04289 15.9744 Ear (immature) 4.281428333333333 3.16281 5.20788 Ear (inflorescence) 6.190295000000001 4.64688 7.73371 Ear (primordia) 8.342405 1.06757 14.2546 Zygote (12 HAP) 31.717566666666666 28.88 36.2785 Zygote (24 HAP) 36.5804 23.9578 47.3201 Daughter cell (apical) 67.098 64.6551 70.2693 Daughter cell (basal) 67.76193333333333 57.532 84.2674 Embryo 34.105288888888886 15.4707 57.0105 Nucellus 19.42155 18.8875 19.9556 Endopserm 10.401794285714285 6.43064 17.987 Kernel 10.12025 2.73577 19.8222 Kernel (germinating) 24.820664999999998 8.17453 41.4668 Seeds 15.268539393939394 2.47294 74.0712 Embryo Sac 39.1055 33.7215 44.4895 Pericarp and aleurone 10.6518 10.6518 10.6518 Coleoptile (5 day) 17.448733333333333 12.6388 20.2297 Seedling 17.55223695652174 5.18602 29.25 Internode 11.865081428571429 7.34012 21.7006 Sheath 26.1833 26.0199 26.3467 Shoot (apex) 19.38427184 4.77295 37.048 Shoot 9.254545833333333 5.66978 17.8803 Whole plant 21.2151925 9.98357 32.8619 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.913525 3.0858 4.74125 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.952833333333333 3.38249 7.73096 Apical meristem 9.75339 9.75339 9.75339 Stem and meristem 15.0505 14.3586 15.7424 Stems 18.49235375 8.40046 30.046 Stem (Internode) 11.338123333333334 8.72947 15.0683 Leaf 15.971102432432433 2.27702 80.1856 Leaf (apex) 9.612085 6.91787 12.3063 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.393495 3.70439 17.0826 Leaf (mesophyll) 6.765653333333333 4.77788 9.8127 Leaf (seedlings) 7.220462533333333 0.960948 15.4176 Leaf and kernel 8.21184 6.18128 9.67064 Ear (leaf) 9.49309 9.49309 9.49309 Root 22.941480520833334 4.65152 55.5837 Root (elongation zone) 4.6416425 1.19145 10.1776 Root (meristematic zone) 5.17898 5.10953 5.24843 Root (stele) 35.7861 34.6493 38.0869 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 15.0566 15.0566 15.0566 Secondary root 3.93486 3.93486 3.93486 Root, root hairs removed 8.4408 8.4408 8.4408 Root (maturation zone) 1.17742 1.17742 1.17742