condition mean min max Egg cell 28.881433333333334 19.2873 36.8815 Ovary 7.3802433333333335 5.14339 8.57315 Ovule 38.335825 29.1446 59.5745 Microspore 7.7519556 0.537598 11.004 Bicellular microspore 1.00076 1.00076 1.00076 Pollen (mature) 1.1323424054054054 0.0 5.15059 Pollen tube 0.17590828333333333 0.0985157 0.224253 Sperm cell 1.5778044857142857 0.0 4.68583 Pollen tube 0.17590828333333333 0.0985157 0.224253 Tassels (primordia) 56.08565 48.7134 63.1689 Tassels (anther) 64.4093923076923 25.3333 121.976 Tassels 41.958062500000004 18.5671 68.5172 Silk 40.42615 32.8825 47.9698 Ear 62.7347 38.3222 93.181 Ear (immature) 57.9848 47.8331 69.9761 Ear (inflorescence) 68.38025 66.6512 70.1093 Ear (primordia) 59.6713 17.516 74.8818 Zygote (12 HAP) 22.606533333333335 13.8829 28.9906 Zygote (24 HAP) 27.957766666666664 26.7808 29.293 Daughter cell (apical) 26.6664 22.1233 30.7383 Daughter cell (basal) 34.547866666666664 28.4634 38.4932 Embryo 59.30702222222222 24.7784 100.768 Nucellus 51.4421 45.3811 57.5031 Endopserm 17.79564285714286 5.36068 45.647 Kernel 28.6145 12.1884 50.8523 Kernel (germinating) 39.4349 36.4712 42.3986 Seeds 53.74011818181818 15.1996 102.03 Embryo Sac 43.88615 39.996 47.7763 Pericarp and aleurone 16.5859 16.5859 16.5859 Coleoptile (5 day) 59.16956666666667 58.2136 60.9904 Seedling 33.14986086956522 11.2771 63.5674 Internode 69.66198571428572 52.4012 81.8123 Sheath 57.27515 53.004 61.5463 Shoot (apex) 51.7964896 24.7517 81.9284 Shoot 28.83235833333333 19.0586 47.413 Whole plant 27.034775 23.2647 31.6124 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 47.1292 41.591 52.6674 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 108.35463333333334 97.0399 114.796 Apical meristem 66.7337 66.7337 66.7337 Stem and meristem 67.77835 65.706 69.8507 Stems 73.0059625 54.3696 94.2855 Stem (Internode) 62.2101 58.8349 67.192 Leaf 44.855288288288286 10.3989 109.875 Leaf (apex) 69.05224999999999 66.0756 72.0289 Leaf (bundle sheath) 29.653149999999997 24.1206 35.1857 Leaf (mesophyll) 27.8836 21.0511 33.0793 Leaf (seedlings) 13.502616666666666 2.84084 30.7381 Leaf and kernel 26.489016666666668 16.5209 42.1511 Ear (leaf) 26.1565 26.1565 26.1565 Root 54.446982291666664 25.1135 132.231 Root (elongation zone) 48.122125000000004 39.5305 56.2547 Root (meristematic zone) 66.69055 65.6965 67.6846 Root (stele) 44.031675 36.9008 47.4355 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 53.6246 53.6246 53.6246 Secondary root 55.7036 55.7036 55.7036 Root, root hairs removed 50.7897 50.7897 50.7897 Root (maturation zone) 51.8574 51.8574 51.8574