condition mean min max Egg cell 11.752223333333333 6.50237 16.6672 Ovary 1.8832333333333335 1.32176 2.27599 Ovule 40.307825 15.5244 71.0104 Microspore 1.30208236 0.0 3.48886 Bicellular microspore 0.194547 0.194547 0.194547 Pollen (mature) 0.21378943783783783 0.0 1.14539 Pollen tube 0.13709755 0.0731823 0.239831 Sperm cell 0.8742089714285715 0.0 2.47375 Pollen tube 0.13709755 0.0731823 0.239831 Tassels (primordia) 31.132775000000002 13.6094 39.4154 Tassels (anther) 15.128618461538462 6.34437 24.8717 Tassels 7.42948125 2.45118 14.0233 Silk 12.11798 5.75106 18.4849 Ear 13.881111 4.66724 32.8547 Ear (immature) 11.7583 10.4238 14.6311 Ear (inflorescence) 8.972755 5.96761 11.9779 Ear (primordia) 30.82341166666667 5.32237 72.8823 Zygote (12 HAP) 17.8563 11.2321 30.7771 Zygote (24 HAP) 13.652099999999999 12.6935 14.4767 Daughter cell (apical) 21.9694 16.898 25.0631 Daughter cell (basal) 25.26053333333333 22.1195 31.2734 Embryo 46.43465555555555 18.1271 86.6502 Nucellus 37.5013 34.7964 40.2062 Endopserm 14.862287857142856 6.09174 27.5331 Kernel 19.302530833333332 7.70417 28.3861 Kernel (germinating) 22.97645 13.5303 32.4226 Seeds 21.611939393939394 4.0435 74.1189 Embryo Sac 42.0547 34.7215 49.3879 Pericarp and aleurone 12.7428 12.7428 12.7428 Coleoptile (5 day) 35.784 28.9287 41.5212 Seedling 10.276780434782609 0.288597 52.2967 Internode 25.589922857142856 8.96266 33.2866 Sheath 17.705849999999998 17.3906 18.0211 Shoot (apex) 19.52487688 3.36097 36.5304 Shoot 7.256925833333334 2.77522 15.6244 Whole plant 14.4496 11.8272 18.8942 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.222225 8.0512 8.39325 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.730763333333334 3.71876 6.66424 Apical meristem 13.466 13.466 13.466 Stem and meristem 13.7385 12.5085 14.9685 Stems 25.610225 16.8347 37.2112 Stem (Internode) 32.508833333333335 25.0141 37.2542 Leaf 11.752654432432433 0.922892 41.526 Leaf (apex) 16.9823 14.6865 19.2781 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.76524 2.59321 4.93727 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.025596666666667 2.49235 4.91782 Leaf (seedlings) 2.7522183333333334 0.799269 4.64273 Leaf and kernel 3.2197683333333336 1.46843 7.69826 Ear (leaf) 5.51085 5.51085 5.51085 Root 14.8005684375 2.56222 37.2641 Root (elongation zone) 2.983995 1.70719 3.88745 Root (meristematic zone) 20.8397 20.3979 21.2815 Root (stele) 14.235425 11.9922 19.7464 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 8.93195 8.93195 8.93195 Secondary root 5.6572 5.6572 5.6572 Root, root hairs removed 9.39076 9.39076 9.39076 Root (maturation zone) 9.7122 9.7122 9.7122