condition mean min max Egg cell 17.682966666666665 12.632 25.8333 Ovary 5.3735333333333335 3.50106 6.62407 Ovule 22.7002075 5.62623 56.7685 Microspore 1.47380192 0.0475556 3.86692 Bicellular microspore 0.051073 0.051073 0.051073 Pollen (mature) 0.9207067513513514 0.0251547 2.62048 Pollen tube 3.16935 1.67932 4.98866 Sperm cell 256.0773114285714 4.20897 596.411 Pollen tube 3.16935 1.67932 4.98866 Tassels (primordia) 25.43075 14.961 34.0215 Tassels (anther) 12.315556153846154 3.82742 25.2891 Tassels 13.664703750000001 1.52117 29.5094 Silk 11.67041 9.53822 13.8026 Ear 26.282293 3.2894 92.2066 Ear (immature) 7.62009 6.06194 9.77253 Ear (inflorescence) 17.85225 10.9915 24.713 Ear (primordia) 13.968161666666667 2.91427 22.6318 Zygote (12 HAP) 6.48446 3.95127 10.1723 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.4375833333333334 1.999 4.35384 Daughter cell (apical) 9.457436666666666 1.98952 17.0897 Daughter cell (basal) 5.240873333333333 4.88634 5.55045 Embryo 16.273048888888887 2.85664 62.8427 Nucellus 26.16095 22.8314 29.4905 Endopserm 11.589651428571429 3.65813 32.3074 Kernel 19.784893333333333 9.12318 61.2471 Kernel (germinating) 10.85501 7.71052 13.9995 Seeds 25.900871212121213 5.3185 55.3292 Embryo Sac 22.867645 5.13389 40.6014 Pericarp and aleurone 16.4478 16.4478 16.4478 Coleoptile (5 day) 20.734366666666666 18.9762 21.814 Seedling 58.971684347826084 6.03396 245.437 Internode 47.48977142857143 9.6251 73.8784 Sheath 81.8758 79.7092 84.0424 Shoot (apex) 37.5703504 10.763 78.3106 Shoot 14.4490325 2.72108 37.7556 Whole plant 39.960125 19.6295 54.7295 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 19.08535 19.0087 19.162 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 23.9532 22.7445 25.5045 Apical meristem 23.5164 23.5164 23.5164 Stem and meristem 15.943750000000001 12.981 18.9065 Stems 47.524425 21.2399 74.5526 Stem (Internode) 63.22123333333333 53.4906 72.4934 Leaf 66.72527522522522 5.20024 259.643 Leaf (apex) 19.65965 17.4209 21.8984 Leaf (bundle sheath) 33.01365 24.8766 41.1507 Leaf (mesophyll) 43.320933333333336 23.8681 72.8053 Leaf (seedlings) 32.80636333333333 6.28247 93.5274 Leaf and kernel 32.72571666666667 22.2076 44.9655 Ear (leaf) 16.9868 16.9868 16.9868 Root 26.098004979166667 0.595503 116.032 Root (elongation zone) 2.0423015 0.727016 3.31917 Root (meristematic zone) 7.26817 7.16127 7.37507 Root (stele) 30.571575 23.4876 36.4007 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 12.9015 12.9015 12.9015 Secondary root 1.62032 1.62032 1.62032 Root, root hairs removed 11.7873 11.7873 11.7873 Root (maturation zone) 2.32442 2.32442 2.32442