condition mean min max Egg cell 28.195657666666666 0.676273 52.3304 Ovary 3.3404133333333337 1.66344 4.36361 Ovule 127.846475 31.9903 390.995 Microspore 104.0240842 0.0 503.583 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 4.295096756756757 0.0 12.8259 Pollen tube 9.56159 4.89624 14.554 Sperm cell 216.708717 0.0 683.288 Pollen tube 9.56159 4.89624 14.554 Tassels (primordia) 366.16075 183.288 840.841 Tassels (anther) 235.33713076923075 72.568 771.655 Tassels 831.472925 33.5325 4529.31 Silk 91.900335 1.90267 181.898 Ear 519.45376 14.7063 1282.39 Ear (immature) 937.232 199.535 2543.65 Ear (inflorescence) 354.778 286.369 423.187 Ear (primordia) 813.2538333333333 122.96 1540.68 Zygote (12 HAP) 185.48966666666666 122.203 276.725 Zygote (24 HAP) 235.687 155.702 336.882 Daughter cell (apical) 161.788 124.545 224.328 Daughter cell (basal) 162.65833333333333 138.225 202.11 Embryo 172.32904444444443 20.5557 481.913 Nucellus 125.12299999999999 107.075 143.171 Endopserm 67.960755 2.96628 360.733 Kernel 122.36808416666666 2.3134 465.476 Kernel (germinating) 202.0619 31.2848 372.839 Seeds 134.25614242424243 13.2546 335.797 Embryo Sac 47.7919 38.5308 57.053 Pericarp and aleurone 27.3585 27.3585 27.3585 Coleoptile (5 day) 58.285000000000004 54.5396 61.1861 Seedling 67.11265217391305 13.397 163.93 Internode 146.70191428571428 43.1691 385.907 Sheath 48.663250000000005 43.8673 53.4592 Shoot (apex) 97.50605336 7.78567 552.752 Shoot 274.52855 35.0835 419.462 Whole plant 147.254825 22.2587 424.57 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 490.7105 402.447 578.974 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 341.978 296.795 387.423 Apical meristem 781.012 781.012 781.012 Stem and meristem 363.04 323.91 402.17 Stems 98.4885625 36.2971 148.18 Stem (Internode) 85.28726666666667 79.9899 93.0277 Leaf 47.39357328828829 0.0 545.045 Leaf (apex) 618.7175 606.194 631.241 Leaf (bundle sheath) 74.51535 58.0009 91.0298 Leaf (mesophyll) 62.2948 39.4979 104.405 Leaf (seedlings) 8.758859733333333 0.0 28.3677 Leaf and kernel 93.39781666666667 76.652 105.619 Ear (leaf) 54.7672 54.7672 54.7672 Root 188.9508875 15.6843 442.49 Root (elongation zone) 515.331 272.588 830.858 Root (meristematic zone) 397.8055 394.788 400.823 Root (stele) 106.12545 36.8648 142.821 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 165.888 165.888 165.888 Secondary root 465.732 465.732 465.732 Root, root hairs removed 296.129 296.129 296.129 Root (maturation zone) 717.047 717.047 717.047