condition mean min max Egg cell 11.226583333333334 6.14909 20.1569 Ovary 2.8833533333333334 1.90642 3.74512 Ovule 12.1529025 5.92719 26.6958 Microspore 12.354709 0.136171 55.5439 Bicellular microspore 0.0208918 0.0208918 0.0208918 Pollen (mature) 0.5510770405405405 0.0 1.47734 Pollen tube 0.2700958333333333 0.173784 0.405335 Sperm cell 0.10318857142857142 0.0 0.313606 Pollen tube 0.2700958333333333 0.173784 0.405335 Tassels (primordia) 39.066874999999996 33.4721 47.9315 Tassels (anther) 126.02255384615384 36.5122 223.794 Tassels 32.53733125 5.13352 68.1253 Silk 17.20205 4.1852 30.2189 Ear 29.43819 10.4448 64.7401 Ear (immature) 25.009283333333332 19.129 28.7543 Ear (inflorescence) 22.441850000000002 16.0298 28.8539 Ear (primordia) 22.748501666666666 7.36301 30.1235 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.748633333333334 19.2971 35.8172 Zygote (24 HAP) 27.286033333333332 21.5562 34.8318 Daughter cell (apical) 6.619366666666666 4.87543 7.7924 Daughter cell (basal) 9.455210000000001 7.35629 11.0948 Embryo 14.801525555555555 3.66969 23.5538 Nucellus 26.866349999999997 26.6225 27.1102 Endopserm 17.455289285714287 4.84941 43.9793 Kernel 26.376833333333334 17.0204 41.6395 Kernel (germinating) 16.54425 11.1365 21.952 Seeds 34.05680848484848 4.60413 68.2671 Embryo Sac 7.582660000000001 6.51307 8.65225 Pericarp and aleurone 6.50057 6.50057 6.50057 Coleoptile (5 day) 112.55733333333333 102.354 119.775 Seedling 53.06264347826087 13.7972 83.3405 Internode 38.680771428571425 28.1308 48.3251 Sheath 82.51065 68.0308 96.9905 Shoot (apex) 30.9479872 13.1021 63.1286 Shoot 45.33354166666667 12.6456 69.4814 Whole plant 61.642125 43.27 78.4132 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 18.25385 16.835 19.6727 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 41.58206666666667 36.6984 45.7322 Apical meristem 26.0468 26.0468 26.0468 Stem and meristem 45.23395 42.2533 48.2146 Stems 47.344075 31.6446 66.878 Stem (Internode) 34.776133333333334 32.2041 37.9661 Leaf 44.3251427027027 5.67217 145.29 Leaf (apex) 32.3549 30.0363 34.6735 Leaf (bundle sheath) 82.54475000000001 34.7725 130.317 Leaf (mesophyll) 89.70143333333333 64.7025 120.898 Leaf (seedlings) 41.820161999999996 1.99881 118.874 Leaf and kernel 20.6526 14.5358 36.0492 Ear (leaf) 27.2445 27.2445 27.2445 Root 21.2100765625 4.71815 48.9517 Root (elongation zone) 18.7224125 9.69927 28.5481 Root (meristematic zone) 17.905450000000002 17.143 18.6679 Root (stele) 36.036825 28.4306 42.8137 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 30.0656 30.0656 30.0656 Secondary root 21.1194 21.1194 21.1194 Root, root hairs removed 23.4795 23.4795 23.4795 Root (maturation zone) 13.1098 13.1098 13.1098