condition mean min max Egg cell 2109.213333333333 1728.9 2434.41 Ovary 28.964666666666666 21.0686 32.9619 Ovule 274.9815 219.137 299.244 Microspore 82.57329999999999 38.7579 147.033 Bicellular microspore 8.63184 8.63184 8.63184 Pollen (mature) 19.170192972972973 3.19669 51.1968 Pollen tube 12.75667 9.83173 16.9396 Sperm cell 188.23116285714286 3.42738 439.01 Pollen tube 12.75667 9.83173 16.9396 Tassels (primordia) 123.773 100.974 174.877 Tassels (anther) 289.32023076923076 212.491 381.0 Tassels 224.776375 120.512 316.663 Silk 625.149 164.388 1085.91 Ear 221.51856 81.9656 402.999 Ear (immature) 303.02733333333333 273.065 319.191 Ear (inflorescence) 206.5245 196.622 216.427 Ear (primordia) 196.01663333333335 99.4738 260.233 Zygote (12 HAP) 1199.6366666666668 1060.39 1386.55 Zygote (24 HAP) 865.9926666666667 762.471 926.677 Daughter cell (apical) 548.7753333333334 465.557 592.415 Daughter cell (basal) 755.6093333333333 703.529 785.18 Embryo 323.555 95.829 952.595 Nucellus 179.051 159.008 199.094 Endopserm 144.31299285714286 30.63 380.139 Kernel 215.11833333333334 121.401 365.539 Kernel (germinating) 405.40700000000004 397.891 412.923 Seeds 315.7432090909091 72.3446 717.696 Embryo Sac 340.95550000000003 340.859 341.052 Pericarp and aleurone 167.417 167.417 167.417 Coleoptile (5 day) 214.61833333333334 189.343 234.581 Seedling 168.05325217391305 68.6519 366.101 Internode 459.496 352.371 499.37 Sheath 160.901 160.648 161.154 Shoot (apex) 344.3104 121.128 620.449 Shoot 277.19008333333335 167.375 448.442 Whole plant 161.58657499999998 98.8383 195.468 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 433.003 372.284 493.722 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 113.14243333333333 85.4463 145.931 Apical meristem 266.993 266.993 266.993 Stem and meristem 395.605 393.578 397.632 Stems 364.86375 231.754 490.796 Stem (Internode) 476.56333333333333 423.054 574.975 Leaf 138.94292432432434 27.9906 455.091 Leaf (apex) 453.201 417.907 488.495 Leaf (bundle sheath) 136.4795 129.29 143.669 Leaf (mesophyll) 76.44756666666666 43.1129 100.931 Leaf (seedlings) 42.50030066666667 8.78061 123.925 Leaf and kernel 82.56901666666667 68.0506 106.485 Ear (leaf) 261.62 261.62 261.62 Root 360.4443645833333 166.91 585.286 Root (elongation zone) 586.515 423.911 696.558 Root (meristematic zone) 346.831 304.962 388.7 Root (stele) 448.4105 401.559 473.208 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 259.896 259.896 259.896 Secondary root 362.229 362.229 362.229 Root, root hairs removed 350.072 350.072 350.072 Root (maturation zone) 286.502 286.502 286.502