condition mean min max Egg cell 0.10099866666666667 0.0 0.302996 Ovary 3.2133133333333332 2.00586 4.39973 Ovule 5.952617500000001 1.54776 14.5172 Microspore 0.21998600000000001 0.0 1.09993 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.010140372972972973 0.0 0.171135 Pollen tube 0.008173283333333333 0.0 0.0261907 Sperm cell 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube 0.008173283333333333 0.0 0.0261907 Tassels (primordia) 16.17865 11.3621 20.6682 Tassels (anther) 19.810153846153845 10.5839 33.8332 Tassels 14.09964875 8.44132 26.0579 Silk 26.6451 20.9634 32.3268 Ear 16.50162 7.09321 31.4111 Ear (immature) 15.2651 13.7916 19.2568 Ear (inflorescence) 5.887135000000001 5.73672 6.03755 Ear (primordia) 10.028785 3.22462 15.7426 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.6166233333333335 2.85869 4.43379 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.5472366666666666 3.26618 3.90798 Daughter cell (apical) 2.441056 0.447799 5.96696 Daughter cell (basal) 0.925146 0.0 2.26538 Embryo 3.292856555555556 0.162818 7.02786 Nucellus 14.702850000000002 11.7052 17.7005 Endopserm 3.6438637857142857 0.205003 7.94117 Kernel 6.777888333333333 1.44026 16.544 Kernel (germinating) 6.1126249999999995 1.79975 10.4255 Seeds 14.716004242424242 1.34765 183.815 Embryo Sac 3.54258 3.14305 3.94211 Pericarp and aleurone 2.00304 2.00304 2.00304 Coleoptile (5 day) 25.838066666666666 22.6035 30.4455 Seedling 104.1401304347826 37.0288 202.934 Internode 13.820688571428573 7.35382 31.7436 Sheath 83.77975 66.2815 101.278 Shoot (apex) 14.70851992 4.88195 38.0568 Shoot 109.16053333333333 27.9769 181.113 Whole plant 50.877425 36.6034 78.5907 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.95215 16.1451 17.7592 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 40.90486666666667 37.5416 46.5966 Apical meristem 6.35165 6.35165 6.35165 Stem and meristem 8.82646 8.30333 9.34959 Stems 14.48531375 6.94492 32.2866 Stem (Internode) 10.163056666666666 6.73517 13.3414 Leaf 66.49545851351351 0.696665 325.407 Leaf (apex) 13.8061 12.5833 15.0289 Leaf (bundle sheath) 167.87269999999998 75.1844 260.561 Leaf (mesophyll) 182.91313333333335 83.7474 250.544 Leaf (seedlings) 36.53743873333333 0.261948 169.939 Leaf and kernel 45.37801666666667 24.0511 83.1941 Ear (leaf) 15.5135 15.5135 15.5135 Root 4.287060520833333 0.265555 25.0389 Root (elongation zone) 7.3373025 2.96673 12.4053 Root (meristematic zone) 2.0210150000000002 1.91959 2.12244 Root (stele) 1.5370125 1.13931 2.0252 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 5.63174 5.63174 5.63174 Secondary root 2.98391 2.98391 2.98391 Root, root hairs removed 4.03727 4.03727 4.03727 Root (maturation zone) 1.39514 1.39514 1.39514