condition mean min max Egg cell 6.423909999999999 3.85569 10.0019 Ovary 8.81476 6.09178 10.275 Ovule 15.2241575 6.31307 35.4259 Microspore 3.0625766 0.305048 5.78242 Bicellular microspore 0.53609 0.53609 0.53609 Pollen (mature) 1.151607762162162 0.0692452 2.21371 Pollen tube 1.3968181666666666 0.901449 2.16513 Sperm cell 7.060161428571429 1.12575 12.2624 Pollen tube 1.3968181666666666 0.901449 2.16513 Tassels (primordia) 49.42065 42.4291 62.8038 Tassels (anther) 44.108346153846156 29.845 55.5477 Tassels 26.7001475 2.82515 46.7036 Silk 20.033975 5.08205 34.9859 Ear 31.67716 7.30388 78.2494 Ear (immature) 17.20045 11.3152 19.9158 Ear (inflorescence) 29.63695 21.4107 37.8632 Ear (primordia) 44.643813333333334 5.70798 63.0852 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.203106666666667 1.31201 5.84702 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.7197310000000001 0.293403 3.35056 Daughter cell (apical) 11.216666666666667 10.3401 12.7138 Daughter cell (basal) 9.455053333333334 9.24534 9.64935 Embryo 31.875744444444443 12.1935 49.8611 Nucellus 51.470150000000004 49.0816 53.8587 Endopserm 13.997642142857142 4.98126 24.4768 Kernel 26.496729166666665 7.06095 42.8092 Kernel (germinating) 26.967100000000002 20.2625 33.6717 Seeds 35.99024878787879 5.07761 54.8251 Embryo Sac 13.0282 11.4448 14.6116 Pericarp and aleurone 14.6571 14.6571 14.6571 Coleoptile (5 day) 30.32946666666667 19.574 35.7922 Seedling 24.017395652173914 5.57516 46.9241 Internode 46.3255 16.3679 59.6185 Sheath 30.94245 28.1279 33.757 Shoot (apex) 36.54455232 7.30054 56.269 Shoot 10.992930833333334 7.01906 21.5546 Whole plant 23.712225 14.3072 27.3347 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 15.1104 15.0516 15.1692 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.4999166666666666 2.53715 5.04252 Apical meristem 32.8629 32.8629 32.8629 Stem and meristem 38.139250000000004 37.3688 38.9097 Stems 47.7621875 38.1994 55.3982 Stem (Internode) 49.907833333333336 46.4621 56.7759 Leaf 23.454828198198197 3.46139 66.332 Leaf (apex) 32.74275 26.8523 38.6332 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.36642 5.17734 19.5555 Leaf (mesophyll) 16.019833333333334 14.1473 17.5604 Leaf (seedlings) 10.854466 3.07309 21.1683 Leaf and kernel 9.374591666666667 8.49436 10.8525 Ear (leaf) 20.6458 20.6458 20.6458 Root 27.4154234375 4.64787 52.0839 Root (elongation zone) 16.2085225 4.88783 29.4832 Root (meristematic zone) 29.4792 28.1818 30.7766 Root (stele) 36.852875 34.1553 39.6135 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 27.4619 27.4619 27.4619 Secondary root 8.79252 8.79252 8.79252 Root, root hairs removed 23.0146 23.0146 23.0146 Root (maturation zone) 14.3542 14.3542 14.3542