condition mean min max Egg cell 1065.0403333333334 508.657 1790.5 Ovary 56.6398 41.1188 65.952 Ovule 732.5237500000001 365.087 1032.76 Microspore 184.0834682 0.332241 776.329 Bicellular microspore 1.87487 1.87487 1.87487 Pollen (mature) 3.9083489459459457 0.0 18.3328 Pollen tube 2.9026033333333334 1.81316 3.64896 Sperm cell 279.00881185714286 0.328186 691.667 Pollen tube 2.9026033333333334 1.81316 3.64896 Tassels (primordia) 503.01275 392.41 566.511 Tassels (anther) 300.05961538461537 155.679 521.779 Tassels 234.851 66.4913 552.136 Silk 180.858 144.41 217.306 Ear 311.7705 129.414 513.638 Ear (immature) 444.2365 384.655 512.812 Ear (inflorescence) 303.914 299.202 308.626 Ear (primordia) 365.02633333333335 127.65 493.084 Zygote (12 HAP) 361.44533333333334 196.693 507.906 Zygote (24 HAP) 463.92966666666666 314.445 606.476 Daughter cell (apical) 1122.845 894.515 1339.78 Daughter cell (basal) 1058.4536666666665 862.021 1245.07 Embryo 436.1398888888889 242.357 720.075 Nucellus 221.2905 219.672 222.909 Endopserm 177.50109285714285 44.5609 538.056 Kernel 232.47091666666665 113.904 365.132 Kernel (germinating) 294.1015 267.052 321.151 Seeds 307.15930000000003 79.3359 485.905 Embryo Sac 943.1855 822.181 1064.19 Pericarp and aleurone 70.3255 70.3255 70.3255 Coleoptile (5 day) 371.589 335.347 409.24 Seedling 149.4438695652174 39.4595 406.811 Internode 229.48171428571428 150.381 388.382 Sheath 190.28300000000002 167.155 213.411 Shoot (apex) 344.160504 146.867 633.269 Shoot 200.9177 71.7944 335.002 Whole plant 213.14475 158.061 285.968 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 314.45849999999996 289.488 339.429 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 414.95633333333336 365.575 444.826 Apical meristem 478.008 478.008 478.008 Stem and meristem 488.60450000000003 480.092 497.117 Stems 314.53775 195.586 499.642 Stem (Internode) 186.043 178.569 195.21 Leaf 157.9529683783784 7.65657 1164.77 Leaf (apex) 558.1915 530.436 585.947 Leaf (bundle sheath) 141.32675 72.5675 210.086 Leaf (mesophyll) 121.93119999999999 83.9596 181.04 Leaf (seedlings) 20.893024666666665 3.02844 44.3538 Leaf and kernel 41.2155 24.2843 96.0905 Ear (leaf) 66.2343 66.2343 66.2343 Root 308.374434375 76.2817 887.157 Root (elongation zone) 351.3015 285.577 424.647 Root (meristematic zone) 816.4795 808.897 824.062 Root (stele) 215.44975 161.281 277.664 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 351.294 351.294 351.294 Secondary root 317.173 317.173 317.173 Root, root hairs removed 391.061 391.061 391.061 Root (maturation zone) 624.337 624.337 624.337