condition mean min max Egg cell 598.8693333333333 309.751 961.65 Ovary 39.539366666666666 28.4074 49.0039 Ovule 402.203 171.442 581.382 Microspore 85.173086 5.57113 156.934 Bicellular microspore 7.1783 7.1783 7.1783 Pollen (mature) 43.41211621621622 11.8693 127.372 Pollen tube 10.592361666666667 7.66427 12.1002 Sperm cell 43.26618742857143 0.178345 97.2841 Pollen tube 10.592361666666667 7.66427 12.1002 Tassels (primordia) 233.29075 214.339 259.648 Tassels (anther) 107.74472307692308 51.4135 206.683 Tassels 178.1958 51.6734 233.924 Silk 97.5033 73.2536 121.753 Ear 166.63024000000001 23.8453 283.149 Ear (immature) 224.059 196.269 280.972 Ear (inflorescence) 252.23450000000003 249.139 255.33 Ear (primordia) 216.99883333333332 58.494 302.925 Zygote (12 HAP) 232.69866666666667 181.918 278.776 Zygote (24 HAP) 266.564 247.639 282.48 Daughter cell (apical) 599.394 525.252 646.473 Daughter cell (basal) 851.2103333333333 765.524 920.966 Embryo 122.62006666666666 30.0688 314.325 Nucellus 96.85575 94.3783 99.3332 Endopserm 44.04496642857143 5.26004 168.437 Kernel 101.18521666666666 21.289 154.004 Kernel (germinating) 194.10399999999998 191.078 197.13 Seeds 99.77051212121212 12.7637 249.078 Embryo Sac 540.665 512.372 568.958 Pericarp and aleurone 32.17 32.17 32.17 Coleoptile (5 day) 142.19466666666668 122.346 171.893 Seedling 65.37521739130435 11.1055 145.111 Internode 71.86087142857143 17.6015 373.557 Sheath 58.7198 53.5164 63.9232 Shoot (apex) 153.5434856 51.9384 287.478 Shoot 112.62376666666667 17.6089 177.204 Whole plant 59.64805 43.1346 80.3794 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 195.61599999999999 162.581 228.651 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 105.92066666666666 82.703 122.832 Apical meristem 280.613 280.613 280.613 Stem and meristem 191.5975 186.25 196.945 Stems 95.318225 14.0856 218.112 Stem (Internode) 31.606033333333333 15.3578 56.8581 Leaf 32.41275711711712 1.60878 200.595 Leaf (apex) 377.51700000000005 330.374 424.66 Leaf (bundle sheath) 23.14145 14.149 32.1339 Leaf (mesophyll) 15.031133333333333 9.2918 20.9363 Leaf (seedlings) 5.890518933333333 0.658294 15.6826 Leaf and kernel 22.301583333333333 18.8262 31.3107 Ear (leaf) 12.813 12.813 12.813 Root 179.91841458333334 38.7858 378.596 Root (elongation zone) 488.5525 440.476 534.745 Root (meristematic zone) 322.26099999999997 306.791 337.731 Root (stele) 167.9355 126.325 229.048 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 214.613 214.613 214.613 Secondary root 327.978 327.978 327.978 Root, root hairs removed 170.306 170.306 170.306 Root (maturation zone) 238.377 238.377 238.377