condition mean min max Egg cell 1.3888216666666666 0.562244 2.81828 Ovary 45.377633333333335 32.8487 59.3372 Ovule 50.237875 16.8144 117.355 Microspore 0.8944946 0.17759 2.08985 Bicellular microspore 0.0602291 0.0602291 0.0602291 Pollen (mature) 0.19385750486486486 0.0 1.59243 Pollen tube 0.8370493333333333 0.252401 1.24913 Sperm cell 2.565267 0.0 11.333 Pollen tube 0.8370493333333333 0.252401 1.24913 Tassels (primordia) 25.22845 11.1549 31.5707 Tassels (anther) 14.890266923076924 4.64428 31.3181 Tassels 42.924949999999995 19.5856 145.248 Silk 8.99413 3.41856 14.5697 Ear 54.37857 16.5673 125.513 Ear (immature) 52.6321 30.4184 70.959 Ear (inflorescence) 20.61685 18.9734 22.2603 Ear (primordia) 37.065266666666666 10.2478 110.986 Zygote (12 HAP) 21.20596666666667 12.6624 25.8143 Zygote (24 HAP) 15.789516666666668 9.62695 25.8874 Daughter cell (apical) 8.712996666666667 2.90341 13.7207 Daughter cell (basal) 2.0691656666666667 0.418097 3.53457 Embryo 28.541788888888888 3.36616 93.188 Nucellus 94.59030000000001 91.2442 97.9364 Endopserm 28.93057357142857 5.48144 122.048 Kernel 57.02578333333334 21.544 107.482 Kernel (germinating) 20.2518 15.1335 25.3701 Seeds 58.62573939393939 13.6741 107.851 Embryo Sac 76.8622 53.0354 100.689 Pericarp and aleurone 18.2251 18.2251 18.2251 Coleoptile (5 day) 10.512096666666666 9.60259 11.9063 Seedling 32.97440304347826 9.67527 60.1584 Internode 73.47625714285715 27.3435 219.178 Sheath 25.00935 23.1429 26.8758 Shoot (apex) 58.5088544 17.8043 185.964 Shoot 23.061875 10.0719 74.5907 Whole plant 38.563675 21.7165 56.6905 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.53339 8.88198 12.1848 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 10.788413333333333 8.90274 12.9075 Apical meristem 8.42634 8.42634 8.42634 Stem and meristem 43.5469 38.4234 48.6704 Stems 91.57745 43.4486 230.416 Stem (Internode) 71.25646666666667 62.2793 83.1249 Leaf 52.565242702702704 7.30426 172.733 Leaf (apex) 17.643250000000002 16.5822 18.7043 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.516325 7.20515 11.8275 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.703233333333333 6.93317 12.475 Leaf (seedlings) 34.948981333333336 4.2608 110.294 Leaf and kernel 34.412216666666666 22.3437 58.1233 Ear (leaf) 65.2845 65.2845 65.2845 Root 46.36855197916667 2.38091 121.405 Root (elongation zone) 4.6039175 3.51561 5.89706 Root (meristematic zone) 2.661295 2.3342 2.98839 Root (stele) 53.32495 43.8557 70.2537 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 103.274 103.274 103.274 Secondary root 21.236 21.236 21.236 Root, root hairs removed 28.103 28.103 28.103 Root (maturation zone) 3.36411 3.36411 3.36411