condition mean min max Egg cell 0.7732433333333334 0.160007 1.61433 Ovary 2.7955566666666667 1.93602 3.44187 Ovule 3.6862875 1.1152 9.9077 Microspore 0.31015028 0.0 1.03773 Bicellular microspore 0.0551782 0.0551782 0.0551782 Pollen (mature) 0.2960465891891892 0.0 1.19474 Pollen tube 0.08436416666666667 0.0543956 0.14355 Sperm cell 0.16369268571428572 0.0 0.932375 Pollen tube 0.08436416666666667 0.0543956 0.14355 Tassels (primordia) 9.883207500000001 7.98283 12.1421 Tassels (anther) 3.4398946153846155 1.55552 5.11721 Tassels 3.8666225 2.25238 7.40862 Silk 0.9210855 0.660441 1.18173 Ear 3.6247296 0.739046 5.49584 Ear (immature) 4.317976666666667 3.04594 5.35897 Ear (inflorescence) 7.3674 7.17529 7.55951 Ear (primordia) 7.042108333333333 3.92733 10.6599 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.518063333333333 0.34151 4.63986 Zygote (24 HAP) 0.5923743333333333 0.137122 1.22648 Daughter cell (apical) 0.39494866666666667 0.197031 0.546779 Daughter cell (basal) 0.6718163333333333 0.580356 0.848527 Embryo 2.4485568888888887 0.210784 5.11571 Nucellus 6.977875 6.24659 7.70916 Endopserm 1.651728642857143 0.861013 2.28642 Kernel 2.7966883333333334 1.06991 7.94342 Kernel (germinating) 2.190245 1.2684 3.11209 Seeds 3.8657376666666665 0.355484 8.33742 Embryo Sac 2.917195 2.33666 3.49773 Pericarp and aleurone 1.14459 1.14459 1.14459 Coleoptile (5 day) 2.229153333333333 2.12397 2.41228 Seedling 3.9264317391304346 0.50952 8.85521 Internode 1.0963180000000001 0.300087 3.25931 Sheath 6.295135 5.02983 7.56044 Shoot (apex) 6.4859232 1.8801 17.7621 Shoot 2.7431733333333335 0.453679 4.16717 Whole plant 4.7777275 2.96722 5.83974 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.17209 2.45406 3.89012 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.43175 5.29048 8.16496 Apical meristem 7.75227 7.75227 7.75227 Stem and meristem 6.9415949999999995 5.81233 8.07086 Stems 2.809280625 0.277797 7.0336 Stem (Internode) 0.9586436666666666 0.256578 2.18666 Leaf 1.5238208108108109 0.114857 10.0727 Leaf (apex) 7.631545 7.16949 8.0936 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.197623 0.539206 5.85604 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.0517466666666664 1.18914 4.86565 Leaf (seedlings) 0.9616542266666667 0.0 2.9961 Leaf and kernel 1.1088276666666668 0.772417 1.36977 Ear (leaf) 0.26406 0.26406 0.26406 Root 14.237315197916667 0.785727 40.3573 Root (elongation zone) 7.1742275 4.38561 9.68708 Root (meristematic zone) 5.314245 5.00188 5.62661 Root (stele) 11.2236575 7.59052 15.0047 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 12.6157 12.6157 12.6157 Secondary root 6.8545 6.8545 6.8545 Root, root hairs removed 9.5049 9.5049 9.5049 Root (maturation zone) 3.37371 3.37371 3.37371