condition mean min max Egg cell 35.32416666666667 13.0994 59.9765 Ovary 14.09708 7.39564 21.6577 Ovule 16.5614725 6.56009 38.1582 Microspore 0.5346202 0.0 2.2385 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 4.169548635135135 0.0422565 13.9096 Pollen tube 1.40823 1.19521 1.73214 Sperm cell 0.8246328571428572 0.0 3.52304 Pollen tube 1.40823 1.19521 1.73214 Tassels (primordia) 57.923474999999996 39.0355 75.8291 Tassels (anther) 95.55976923076923 16.5902 262.145 Tassels 56.9284125 31.7148 92.1763 Silk 40.3357 38.0394 42.632 Ear 46.12656 13.7639 121.175 Ear (immature) 22.086616666666668 18.5358 24.1291 Ear (inflorescence) 12.8735 11.7015 14.0455 Ear (primordia) 22.56975 15.9511 29.6618 Zygote (12 HAP) 18.371566666666666 8.2928 28.5601 Zygote (24 HAP) 21.456333333333333 16.5963 29.2126 Daughter cell (apical) 83.10366666666667 68.7224 93.8244 Daughter cell (basal) 86.61223333333334 62.5061 116.232 Embryo 39.232822222222225 24.6709 93.2778 Nucellus 104.04235 94.6527 113.432 Endopserm 30.971271428571427 19.0032 54.4768 Kernel 112.57339166666667 30.3444 387.182 Kernel (germinating) 94.0189 71.2568 116.781 Seeds 62.82877272727273 25.5128 259.451 Embryo Sac 16.29065 10.5354 22.0459 Pericarp and aleurone 68.3731 68.3731 68.3731 Coleoptile (5 day) 39.844633333333334 38.1607 42.6916 Seedling 93.58247391304347 40.3404 186.302 Internode 154.985 106.747 188.018 Sheath 58.56605 54.0378 63.0943 Shoot (apex) 155.8345224 49.2457 557.371 Shoot 53.67230833333333 25.9724 114.458 Whole plant 128.363625 80.3435 168.811 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 88.0493 80.8142 95.2844 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 2.4943666666666666 1.47332 3.09274 Apical meristem 39.864 39.864 39.864 Stem and meristem 101.01275 95.1685 106.857 Stems 117.68390000000001 38.1994 211.622 Stem (Internode) 166.70766666666665 144.629 190.651 Leaf 95.20359009009009 25.4843 526.924 Leaf (apex) 63.078599999999994 30.4155 95.7417 Leaf (bundle sheath) 48.6418 41.1105 56.1731 Leaf (mesophyll) 55.0464 42.161 63.6305 Leaf (seedlings) 44.36905333333333 10.9065 116.363 Leaf and kernel 78.81543333333333 53.226 116.152 Ear (leaf) 25.9335 25.9335 25.9335 Root 122.2594875 17.3526 334.244 Root (elongation zone) 46.938024999999996 33.2718 66.1989 Root (meristematic zone) 35.971199999999996 33.3478 38.5946 Root (stele) 114.2385 101.797 128.042 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 69.7447 69.7447 69.7447 Secondary root 65.5233 65.5233 65.5233 Root, root hairs removed 50.4933 50.4933 50.4933 Root (maturation zone) 18.0682 18.0682 18.0682