condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	6.429676666666667	3.86368	8.64788
Ovary	6.91528	5.30928	7.87979
Ovule	28.1132	10.5574	50.4105
Microspore	25.716778	3.40239	40.2321
Bicellular microspore	3.0669	3.0669	3.0669
Pollen (mature)	8.138452972972972	2.07898	14.2104
Pollen tube	4.1076966666666666	3.94863	4.2905
Sperm cell	7.323854285714286	1.10077	12.0747
Pollen tube	4.1076966666666666	3.94863	4.2905
Tassels (primordia)	50.71215	41.7611	58.3471
Tassels (anther)	73.11507692307693	40.0463	101.296
Tassels	54.41651875	7.35785	80.3188
Silk	36.010400000000004	20.6883	51.3325
Ear	50.61945	15.2765	96.0938
Ear (immature)	20.16675	16.3802	21.6717
Ear (inflorescence)	58.39465	52.1946	64.5947
Ear (primordia)	45.060249999999996	10.9848	54.4805
Zygote (12 HAP)	12.4235	11.6154	13.91
Zygote (24 HAP)	15.692533333333333	13.6398	16.9628
Daughter cell (apical)	9.7031	3.3221	14.418
Daughter cell (basal)	10.708966666666667	8.1647	12.6309
Embryo	35.29222222222222	14.5506	52.7084
Nucellus	72.35069999999999	69.6454	75.056
Endopserm	37.433885714285715	19.6199	93.6391
Kernel	53.372375	15.8547	74.0871
Kernel (germinating)	63.40985	50.3049	76.5148
Seeds	55.937763636363634	17.1758	82.8028
Embryo Sac	28.07845	17.7453	38.4116
Pericarp and aleurone	20.0321	20.0321	20.0321
Coleoptile (5 day)	47.34653333333333	39.5863	51.2278
Seedling	61.119860869565215	29.1041	90.3536
Internode	66.4537	45.8667	83.7677
Sheath	108.632	107.656	109.608
Shoot (apex)	45.8835872	15.8619	77.7648
Shoot	33.121233333333336	24.3058	49.9906
Whole plant	65.93662499999999	39.0468	81.404
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	21.711399999999998	20.4099	23.0129
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	15.788933333333334	14.1552	19.0059
Apical meristem	36.8997	36.8997	36.8997
Stem and meristem	57.56765	54.4862	60.6491
Stems	70.5844125	59.245	76.1566
Stem (Internode)	71.3582	64.1898	81.2139
Leaf	61.11074054054054	11.8098	132.461
Leaf (apex)	39.3374	39.2424	39.4324
Leaf (bundle sheath)	36.59305	21.2711	51.915
Leaf (mesophyll)	41.824933333333334	33.7014	48.5762
Leaf (seedlings)	23.747374666666666	4.95884	49.9543
Leaf and kernel	48.36135	38.7927	52.9714
Ear (leaf)	42.046	42.046	42.046
Root	62.77980625	25.2099	98.751
Root (elongation zone)	38.670325	24.4176	54.0162
Root (meristematic zone)	56.80745	55.4866	58.1283
Root (stele)	68.195975	50.7341	75.8402
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	65.2208	65.2208	65.2208
Secondary root	52.8203	52.8203	52.8203
Root, root hairs removed	57.1607	57.1607	57.1607
Root (maturation zone)	32.6143	32.6143	32.6143