condition mean min max Egg cell 10.18001 1.90903 17.3838 Ovary 2.87168 1.89368 3.69927 Ovule 37.295950000000005 21.2452 72.5926 Microspore 18.928732 1.43655 43.5337 Bicellular microspore 3.23989 3.23989 3.23989 Pollen (mature) 6.687471351351351 1.16212 27.8463 Pollen tube 3.610638333333333 3.10019 4.36805 Sperm cell 70.14369 4.77833 174.211 Pollen tube 3.610638333333333 3.10019 4.36805 Tassels (primordia) 39.8793 26.9813 51.0323 Tassels (anther) 40.672776923076924 21.5873 49.3998 Tassels 35.5116225 1.62487 52.3855 Silk 11.486925 3.83385 19.14 Ear 33.310057 5.21674 89.9853 Ear (immature) 8.879651666666668 4.87811 11.1591 Ear (inflorescence) 27.012500000000003 19.1249 34.9001 Ear (primordia) 33.801163333333335 2.17998 50.6539 Zygote (12 HAP) 5.33776 1.58468 8.50563 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.7413366666666668 1.64169 6.40194 Daughter cell (apical) 46.15 40.4192 57.0191 Daughter cell (basal) 46.70303333333333 42.793 52.2408 Embryo 31.79413 3.73107 55.1649 Nucellus 44.41185 44.2477 44.576 Endopserm 23.686977857142857 9.37849 38.2383 Kernel 35.02698916666667 3.99227 60.4923 Kernel (germinating) 34.57145 21.6128 47.5301 Seeds 48.66306757575757 4.72203 79.2286 Embryo Sac 18.355150000000002 15.2893 21.421 Pericarp and aleurone 17.246 17.246 17.246 Coleoptile (5 day) 15.615386666666666 6.76376 21.2643 Seedling 39.231891304347826 12.3584 66.1285 Internode 103.79068571428571 24.9989 139.592 Sheath 40.112300000000005 38.6559 41.5687 Shoot (apex) 28.34590056 3.4009 50.6209 Shoot 15.9841 9.1686 31.3377 Whole plant 45.18815 16.9928 66.2456 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.9707 10.3235 11.6179 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.1308566666666664 2.68327 3.50139 Apical meristem 33.6064 33.6064 33.6064 Stem and meristem 47.49525 46.3545 48.636 Stems 89.3001625 54.429 137.2 Stem (Internode) 118.1965 97.7145 134.6 Leaf 43.67287027027027 4.4191 183.5 Leaf (apex) 22.264 18.8206 25.7074 Leaf (bundle sheath) 14.074175 5.70875 22.4396 Leaf (mesophyll) 19.822766666666666 17.987 23.1068 Leaf (seedlings) 20.794419333333334 4.28014 45.2909 Leaf and kernel 16.2242 10.0253 19.1749 Ear (leaf) 40.5056 40.5056 40.5056 Root 44.378342708333335 10.6211 76.0729 Root (elongation zone) 24.2775025 7.98356 40.5803 Root (meristematic zone) 27.77805 27.2882 28.2679 Root (stele) 57.257425 52.2347 61.0591 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 46.021 46.021 46.021 Secondary root 16.6863 16.6863 16.6863 Root, root hairs removed 33.7851 33.7851 33.7851 Root (maturation zone) 11.5577 11.5577 11.5577