condition mean min max Egg cell 268.9563333333333 189.979 404.258 Ovary 14.834533333333333 11.6519 19.0417 Ovule 168.26125000000002 112.709 232.299 Microspore 42.714711599999994 0.693998 145.164 Bicellular microspore 2.75525 2.75525 2.75525 Pollen (mature) 2.344984972972973 0.0 7.16789 Pollen tube 0.35964716666666663 0.211144 0.547796 Sperm cell 9.898855714285714 0.0 23.9253 Pollen tube 0.35964716666666663 0.211144 0.547796 Tassels (primordia) 247.70575 215.777 288.818 Tassels (anther) 136.1841692307692 73.1942 181.112 Tassels 89.6528375 42.1503 169.452 Silk 51.8255 25.4427 78.2083 Ear 155.54416 77.2806 262.804 Ear (immature) 119.08706666666666 93.0534 140.914 Ear (inflorescence) 120.47399999999999 108.087 132.861 Ear (primordia) 208.68106666666665 70.7094 263.71 Zygote (12 HAP) 142.09199999999998 118.133 188.501 Zygote (24 HAP) 230.35666666666668 214.008 257.863 Daughter cell (apical) 610.237 492.847 676.986 Daughter cell (basal) 552.8963333333334 488.974 609.71 Embryo 242.93731111111111 84.8398 450.686 Nucellus 71.8946 71.1007 72.6885 Endopserm 125.56638571428572 30.8136 342.516 Kernel 153.73890833333334 40.8042 295.235 Kernel (germinating) 185.1295 179.749 190.51 Seeds 173.9628 40.8046 330.287 Embryo Sac 134.8021 89.5632 180.041 Pericarp and aleurone 38.1672 38.1672 38.1672 Coleoptile (5 day) 200.46466666666666 195.33 205.369 Seedling 84.2984 17.841 241.683 Internode 187.02042857142857 141.442 232.9 Sheath 157.144 141.639 172.649 Shoot (apex) 149.800152 59.6621 290.284 Shoot 106.87294166666666 35.4214 190.004 Whole plant 100.14484999999999 73.9001 125.436 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 100.62020000000001 98.8104 102.43 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 97.38556666666666 89.8746 108.779 Apical meristem 263.134 263.134 263.134 Stem and meristem 341.92449999999997 323.01 360.839 Stems 228.933625 137.552 305.984 Stem (Internode) 175.09533333333334 150.756 197.696 Leaf 93.09226243243243 5.20607 823.893 Leaf (apex) 265.769 240.692 290.846 Leaf (bundle sheath) 66.68005 32.5351 100.825 Leaf (mesophyll) 52.7325 31.918 79.8014 Leaf (seedlings) 12.365310666666666 1.22399 25.8149 Leaf and kernel 26.186783333333334 12.3032 68.1699 Ear (leaf) 32.4114 32.4114 32.4114 Root 200.34455416666665 45.2397 515.262 Root (elongation zone) 213.36975 144.273 250.933 Root (meristematic zone) 536.759 535.179 538.339 Root (stele) 118.92807499999999 90.8483 152.207 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 244.505 244.505 244.505 Secondary root 271.071 271.071 271.071 Root, root hairs removed 258.347 258.347 258.347 Root (maturation zone) 481.703 481.703 481.703