condition mean min max Egg cell 64.8501 24.94 100.521 Ovary 7.906426666666667 5.71382 9.42533 Ovule 122.536625 47.2343 284.174 Microspore 33.042902 2.28501 75.3691 Bicellular microspore 0.463484 0.463484 0.463484 Pollen (mature) 0.288265854054054 0.0 2.47682 Pollen tube 0.2967573333333333 0.199961 0.423801 Sperm cell 19.76548857142857 0.4077 45.9161 Pollen tube 0.2967573333333333 0.199961 0.423801 Tassels (primordia) 68.24022500000001 64.3238 79.1944 Tassels (anther) 82.35227692307693 49.023 102.707 Tassels 37.704315 5.24902 73.9037 Silk 24.6134 18.2208 31.006 Ear 40.12631 10.0682 59.2663 Ear (immature) 28.27863333333333 25.0042 31.3602 Ear (inflorescence) 46.105149999999995 37.7313 54.479 Ear (primordia) 53.17814 7.05684 73.709 Zygote (12 HAP) 28.131600000000002 19.6677 39.1495 Zygote (24 HAP) 41.76436666666667 22.8592 62.4646 Daughter cell (apical) 102.03053333333334 89.9705 125.077 Daughter cell (basal) 93.21896666666666 73.4136 114.562 Embryo 44.732955555555556 10.4601 86.4635 Nucellus 61.28245 59.1619 63.403 Endopserm 32.35395 9.9242 65.9574 Kernel 44.730241666666664 13.9351 78.4182 Kernel (germinating) 44.208 39.9218 48.4942 Seeds 51.07574515151515 9.54919 76.1562 Embryo Sac 111.9756 87.9642 135.987 Pericarp and aleurone 19.551 19.551 19.551 Coleoptile (5 day) 24.611933333333333 21.2092 26.4812 Seedling 31.05986652173913 9.20573 57.3815 Internode 68.33342857142857 50.7494 78.3073 Sheath 40.2218 35.9161 44.5275 Shoot (apex) 49.5392392 30.9951 71.1493 Shoot 19.00735 11.7383 36.7592 Whole plant 34.1045 17.822 43.613 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 36.7561 36.3268 37.1854 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 57.43836666666667 46.3738 68.2334 Apical meristem 64.0177 64.0177 64.0177 Stem and meristem 55.475750000000005 51.5719 59.3796 Stems 71.6063 58.5952 79.1093 Stem (Internode) 69.75243333333333 60.9535 80.2257 Leaf 30.311231801801803 8.38282 75.8758 Leaf (apex) 52.772549999999995 47.4951 58.05 Leaf (bundle sheath) 18.77695 15.6338 21.9201 Leaf (mesophyll) 19.6232 14.8452 25.9058 Leaf (seedlings) 12.853382666666667 2.99187 23.001 Leaf and kernel 22.92106666666667 20.0542 27.9033 Ear (leaf) 16.8561 16.8561 16.8561 Root 46.16844583333333 11.2664 70.0508 Root (elongation zone) 29.588625 18.4194 41.058 Root (meristematic zone) 56.00815 53.7353 58.281 Root (stele) 57.099025 52.6271 64.1204 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 43.9777 43.9777 43.9777 Secondary root 28.9283 28.9283 28.9283 Root, root hairs removed 37.0853 37.0853 37.0853 Root (maturation zone) 34.8331 34.8331 34.8331