condition mean min max Egg cell 564.978 106.23 1048.34 Ovary 108.735 88.766 130.058 Ovule 278.36075 130.337 692.281 Microspore 22.419644400000003 0.12441 93.144 Bicellular microspore 0.701461 0.701461 0.701461 Pollen (mature) 2.1681573594594594 0.0493553 11.7046 Pollen tube 2.168455 1.42135 2.81575 Sperm cell 7.9465909 0.0663153 16.9004 Pollen tube 2.168455 1.42135 2.81575 Tassels (primordia) 481.82 467.091 503.391 Tassels (anther) 728.3386153846154 286.618 1505.57 Tassels 408.72090000000003 89.2032 1244.04 Silk 277.298 203.292 351.304 Ear 656.4381 287.305 1136.7 Ear (immature) 1081.3586666666667 766.062 1959.22 Ear (inflorescence) 1141.6945 909.099 1374.29 Ear (primordia) 502.18333333333334 184.442 696.175 Zygote (12 HAP) 616.8733333333333 555.711 663.234 Zygote (24 HAP) 581.2386666666666 398.609 869.367 Daughter cell (apical) 151.01533333333333 113.833 216.543 Daughter cell (basal) 320.791 185.772 412.092 Embryo 398.0988888888889 130.398 723.467 Nucellus 745.8299999999999 679.717 811.943 Endopserm 123.55534285714286 17.7227 408.542 Kernel 412.55691666666667 107.585 970.487 Kernel (germinating) 722.3585 461.36 983.357 Seeds 306.1822272727273 33.248 1278.93 Embryo Sac 176.668 165.574 187.762 Pericarp and aleurone 270.489 270.489 270.489 Coleoptile (5 day) 298.00466666666665 249.571 365.881 Seedling 373.18334782608696 191.952 991.364 Internode 586.2815714285714 324.715 731.164 Sheath 365.822 359.38 372.264 Shoot (apex) 774.34652 332.999 1618.27 Shoot 538.73125 385.627 786.023 Whole plant 252.86599999999999 166.399 421.615 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 472.4145 427.5 517.329 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 89.70076666666667 66.113 108.911 Apical meristem 591.489 591.489 591.489 Stem and meristem 506.18399999999997 484.431 527.937 Stems 465.226875 331.768 679.619 Stem (Internode) 547.975 452.713 620.321 Leaf 406.25784684684686 73.3186 893.303 Leaf (apex) 489.4075 428.551 550.264 Leaf (bundle sheath) 346.85900000000004 302.998 390.72 Leaf (mesophyll) 249.91333333333333 145.647 343.691 Leaf (seedlings) 182.16332666666668 7.12206 480.915 Leaf and kernel 320.2655 187.779 403.955 Ear (leaf) 187.747 187.747 187.747 Root 601.9816354166667 221.805 1160.11 Root (elongation zone) 407.07800000000003 327.344 514.825 Root (meristematic zone) 233.6255 223.243 244.008 Root (stele) 441.257 379.993 528.286 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 614.049 614.049 614.049 Secondary root 679.189 679.189 679.189 Root, root hairs removed 481.402 481.402 481.402 Root (maturation zone) 347.855 347.855 347.855