condition mean min max Egg cell 0.8324486666666666 0.390704 1.1395 Ovary 7.460203333333333 5.31484 9.14033 Ovule 14.9613625 4.66629 42.6369 Microspore 0.167716636 0.0 0.590346 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.06044584945945946 0.0 0.670204 Pollen tube 0.002855463333333333 0.0 0.0114305 Sperm cell 0.0026741714285714283 0.0 0.0187192 Pollen tube 0.002855463333333333 0.0 0.0114305 Tassels (primordia) 26.1372 21.3647 31.2769 Tassels (anther) 22.79023076923077 16.5115 30.6044 Tassels 18.5560625 3.87773 34.1071 Silk 19.28929 3.44568 35.1329 Ear 23.435064 3.32827 51.3354 Ear (immature) 30.054883333333333 21.9203 33.533 Ear (inflorescence) 22.432850000000002 19.8341 25.0316 Ear (primordia) 23.515033333333335 18.1353 27.6878 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.7295366666666667 1.7222 6.71413 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.68164 3.90006 8.08925 Daughter cell (apical) 3.77183 2.93756 4.61025 Daughter cell (basal) 4.008273333333333 3.17113 5.14858 Embryo 16.96888433333333 0.355049 31.33 Nucellus 27.602899999999998 27.5957 27.6101 Endopserm 4.604004642857143 0.707805 15.1803 Kernel 12.874940833333334 5.69856 22.9855 Kernel (germinating) 11.705549999999999 10.3189 13.0922 Seeds 26.845359696969698 1.79057 64.741 Embryo Sac 20.32565 11.7116 28.9397 Pericarp and aleurone 3.7705 3.7705 3.7705 Coleoptile (5 day) 31.138466666666666 30.025 32.7285 Seedling 12.949051304347826 1.93583 22.8439 Internode 12.719272857142856 3.21182 26.9241 Sheath 33.17005 32.6485 33.6916 Shoot (apex) 29.5909744 12.8471 48.2028 Shoot 11.00632 1.23399 21.5596 Whole plant 13.15109 9.45046 18.6236 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.48545 11.5543 15.4166 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 9.44406 7.4879 13.294 Apical meristem 15.8686 15.8686 15.8686 Stem and meristem 35.0844 34.1335 36.0353 Stems 26.976225 8.2252 53.1539 Stem (Internode) 12.84005 7.36655 20.5178 Leaf 4.029632603603604 0.0 22.6691 Leaf (apex) 24.124450000000003 22.7525 25.4964 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.0472505000000005 0.862101 13.2324 Leaf (mesophyll) 5.381386666666667 1.26222 10.1344 Leaf (seedlings) 1.4575411466666668 0.0 4.5892 Leaf and kernel 0.787662 0.245835 1.64958 Ear (leaf) 0.159608 0.159608 0.159608 Root 16.5855353125 2.19212 33.8481 Root (elongation zone) 19.2297025 8.32671 28.6317 Root (meristematic zone) 11.81085 11.6766 11.9451 Root (stele) 15.889375 13.5992 18.5615 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 27.0621 27.0621 27.0621 Secondary root 15.07 15.07 15.07 Root, root hairs removed 30.0643 30.0643 30.0643 Root (maturation zone) 7.08352 7.08352 7.08352