condition mean min max Egg cell 14.04195 7.88685 20.7015 Ovary 9.949736666666666 6.76501 13.2217 Ovule 12.901215 6.15596 22.3443 Microspore 1.8858208 0.312673 4.49978 Bicellular microspore 1.13389 1.13389 1.13389 Pollen (mature) 5.93371 1.27457 13.214 Pollen tube 2.097306666666667 1.87236 2.7285 Sperm cell 3.137434 0.284417 5.80501 Pollen tube 2.097306666666667 1.87236 2.7285 Tassels (primordia) 21.253275 18.5576 24.9011 Tassels (anther) 27.221976923076923 19.5942 37.0873 Tassels 26.53749625 4.56241 43.7193 Silk 11.66237 8.12234 15.2024 Ear 15.819331 4.92052 30.1992 Ear (immature) 11.18505 10.0561 12.6111 Ear (inflorescence) 10.70795 10.6099 10.806 Ear (primordia) 18.108373333333333 9.88314 21.0463 Zygote (12 HAP) 13.312633333333332 11.206 14.5374 Zygote (24 HAP) 11.148513333333332 8.48374 12.7892 Daughter cell (apical) 7.51488 4.54168 9.82842 Daughter cell (basal) 8.744853333333333 8.55969 9.00228 Embryo 21.660765555555557 7.90049 29.7497 Nucellus 46.387299999999996 44.0614 48.7132 Endopserm 16.20730142857143 6.21003 37.3499 Kernel 25.727241666666668 13.4896 36.4941 Kernel (germinating) 28.4934 23.6904 33.2964 Seeds 28.073006363636363 9.01351 46.7818 Embryo Sac 19.7437 18.5299 20.9575 Pericarp and aleurone 18.4089 18.4089 18.4089 Coleoptile (5 day) 26.4444 23.7829 28.0609 Seedling 22.13518260869565 11.0355 30.9036 Internode 36.895 27.0428 48.3616 Sheath 35.2757 35.2162 35.3352 Shoot (apex) 28.18389016 9.59837 50.9427 Shoot 19.9273 14.1348 28.7156 Whole plant 24.786775 19.9539 31.6065 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.287700000000001 12.5124 14.063 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 4.2908100000000005 1.84771 6.78709 Apical meristem 15.0929 15.0929 15.0929 Stem and meristem 38.58105 34.6765 42.4856 Stems 30.151600000000002 17.6649 42.1754 Stem (Internode) 39.0765 31.1926 51.6627 Leaf 17.72740207207207 5.63267 45.2726 Leaf (apex) 17.4435 16.6104 18.2766 Leaf (bundle sheath) 10.825714999999999 5.30963 16.3418 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.272616666666666 8.19032 12.8308 Leaf (seedlings) 8.339310666666666 2.09969 17.1069 Leaf and kernel 14.06525 12.2692 16.2832 Ear (leaf) 11.2028 11.2028 11.2028 Root 32.39743020833333 17.8957 53.18 Root (elongation zone) 30.90125 21.8551 39.0294 Root (meristematic zone) 23.9381 21.6298 26.2464 Root (stele) 45.265825 39.9127 57.1773 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 43.1888 43.1888 43.1888 Secondary root 48.7118 48.7118 48.7118 Root, root hairs removed 38.6301 38.6301 38.6301 Root (maturation zone) 25.1973 25.1973 25.1973