condition mean min max Leaf, Brachetto, 3 month old plants 0.5766798703838852 0.3092108624997243 1.035035519502111 Leaf, Pinot noir 0.34929215589367235 0.08463421051896598 0.555953150304555 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected, 3h 1.2844372583893011 1.1798155967885813 1.389058919990021 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 24h 3.1645675098219987 1.7146964575742945 4.6144385620697035 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 6 weeks 2.547436598998861 1.9287601280209459 3.166113069976776 Shoot apex, Chasselas Blanc,Preanthesis G stage 1.9416391595588418 1.4592554838463423 2.25618675520364 Shoot apex, Chasselas cioutat,Preanthesis G stage 2.461494288796124 2.415569193063285 2.5185551463945983 Shoot phloems, Merlot 8.64756393614634 8.072567908272836 9.222559964019844 Flower bud, Female, Stage B 3.195918216844756 2.103793882233826 4.288042551455686 Flower bud, Female, Stage D 1.7124160195054345 1.7021421458906034 1.7226898931202657 Flower bud, Female, Stage G 2.1216381365763226 2.1021148536696828 2.141161419482963 Flower bud, Female, Stage H 2.426823844335024 2.3383342508511538 2.5153134378188944 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage B 3.6666995792719446 3.001792531955813 4.3316066265880755 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage D 2.4805619594278796 1.773550618409389 3.18757330044637 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage G 1.7305969489308206 1.212083814493878 2.2491100833677633 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage H 1.940467414685033 1.9013784994120737 1.979556329957992 Flower bud, Male, Stage B 2.926720710790519 2.689411241654946 3.1640301799260917 Flower bud, Male, Stage D 2.433221773919204 2.3983861602154506 2.468057387622957 Berry, mid-ripening 0.30163218451221246 0.0 0.5079760217901395 Berry, post-fruit set 0.12956117135439088 0.0 0.2542400632305207 Berry, post-harvest withering 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, Zinfandel, veraison 3.441861466304977 0.874064674317821 4.927009924031069 Berry, Zinfandel, post-veraison 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, Zinfandel, harvest 0.022294659055805136 0.0 0.06688397716741541 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 20 Brix 0.025014291602828632 0.0 0.0750428748084859 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Barbera, pea-sized berry 0.48947826424144536 0.2969381351453686 0.742738535470941 Pericarp, Barbera, berries beginning to touch 0.037418648167469815 0.03493131159285349 0.04075884491389938 Pericarp, Barbera, soft berries 0.030030328980602317 0.0 0.09009098694180695 Pericarp, Barbera, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Negroamaro, pea-sized berry 0.8977969870589779 0.4937791440280931 1.1249928225457921 Pericarp, Negroamaro, berries beginning to touch 0.17941582950660537 0.07504257915941505 0.2800475072591314 Pericarp, Negroamaro, soft berries 0.02558544672050519 0.0 0.03985367801822963 Pericarp, Negroamaro, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Primitivo, pea-sized berry 0.885953647328534 0.671869034739712 1.1108219662605439 Pericarp, Primitivo, berries beginning to touch 0.14761643242768988 0.08875627124076252 0.18196808381711974 Pericarp, Primitivo, soft berries 0.03868535330213929 0.0 0.07849167878316549 Pericarp, Primitivo, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Refosco, pea-sized berry 0.4005660327268529 0.3714663474334406 0.4201054451741066 Pericarp, Refosco, berries beginning to touch 0.05526712562281862 0.0 0.12704112206784327 Pericarp, Refosco, soft berries 0.1512097069645777 0.04164018697776439 0.23930395095609108 Pericarp, Refosco, Ripe for harvest 0.016350996775567086 0.0 0.049052990326701254 Pericarp, Sangiovese, pea-sized berry 0.5941776318625416 0.47534161073048253 0.6850741993589212 Pericarp, Sangiovese, berries beginning to touch 0.016728730255916115 0.0 0.05018619076774835 Pericarp, Sangiovese, soft berries 0.29921137712928336 0.15285101535108223 0.47044842909036677 Pericarp, Sangiovese, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seed, green berry stage 2.2315160014003474 1.1321166551115294 2.8477190898759246 Seed, 1 week after flowering 2.7798789588868584 2.4138500468073922 3.5100955222352153 Seed, seeded grape 3.8082309346164442 1.2733605533140315 6.981711166849776 Seed, seedless grape 4.23970359372001 1.6153240072808865 8.428434665771908 Seed, 7 weeks after flowering 0.1959427980315787 0.1676721807659409 0.2242134152972165 Seed trace, green berry stage 1.3538354663697707 1.044489573821515 1.7403597968906732