condition mean min max Leaf, Brachetto, 3 month old plants 2.63305855026655 1.6147678374985601 3.7073090425802886 Leaf, Pinot noir 4.464333127576073 3.9952701157017336 5.162422109970869 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected, 3h 283.65864919207746 228.29431797859047 339.02298040556445 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 24h 120.464226791503 95.60792880358456 145.32052477942145 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 6 weeks 413.49492588016557 340.7392721171558 486.25057964317534 Shoot apex, Chasselas Blanc,Preanthesis G stage 5.284027251393326 4.730714164136664 5.636731967014303 Shoot apex, Chasselas cioutat,Preanthesis G stage 7.592491792267935 6.7469346426940024 8.54333412404442 Shoot phloems, Merlot 9.972155177823035 4.002684654435009 15.941625701211061 Flower bud, Female, Stage B 6.17853438638196 6.089929659097917 6.267139113666002 Flower bud, Female, Stage D 5.838130118588905 5.168069679360797 6.508190557817013 Flower bud, Female, Stage G 8.386327624348468 7.672719215894342 9.099936032802592 Flower bud, Female, Stage H 5.564162845138897 5.366002000680308 5.762323689597486 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage B 2.6769964531482966 2.386040217708467 2.9679526885881256 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage D 4.636027921468315 4.616485469611985 4.655570373324646 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage G 4.457430969967249 3.9668197565254184 4.94804218340908 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage H 6.121619901857004 5.9386689898739755 6.304570813840034 Flower bud, Male, Stage B 7.773275895258063 7.646406268154721 7.900145522361404 Flower bud, Male, Stage D 8.256818004858147 8.051724966437584 8.46191104327871 Berry, mid-ripening 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, post-fruit set 7.142181358386511 5.444959758722406 8.40523043216761 Berry, post-harvest withering 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, Zinfandel, veraison 0.24446097591467197 0.0 0.9536148240060135 Berry, Zinfandel, post-veraison 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, Zinfandel, harvest 0.12221691907551768 0.0 0.20065193150224622 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 20 Brix 0.02868191417301444 0.0 0.08604574251904332 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 20 Brix 0.02570647293094576 0.0 0.04178500702970066 Grape Skin, Merlot, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 20 Brix 0.027762624963123907 0.0 0.04576643748512877 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 24 Brix 0.014717236917653101 0.0 0.0441517107529593 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 26 Brix 0.014328683961961358 0.0 0.04298605188588407 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 20 Brix 0.0097364331955667 0.0 0.029209299586700096 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 24 Brix 0.011871695839934589 0.0 0.035615087519803766 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Barbera, pea-sized berry 3.3544040739394263 2.8316906664829626 3.668263933590893 Pericarp, Barbera, berries beginning to touch 3.8295671930372177 3.3014664380258503 4.205065619500505 Pericarp, Barbera, soft berries 0.04872836201015094 0.0 0.12130979642922188 Pericarp, Barbera, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Negroamaro, pea-sized berry 3.165468582297244 2.3849847837970795 3.703343580210698 Pericarp, Negroamaro, berries beginning to touch 0.7566246133359602 0.6001018012695674 0.9005109499129806 Pericarp, Negroamaro, soft berries 0.11705081371925752 0.03690266214328595 0.23454242297802735 Pericarp, Negroamaro, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Primitivo, pea-sized berry 1.523179071640247 1.3613754637549829 1.7610592148033013 Pericarp, Primitivo, berries beginning to touch 0.4135745598430631 0.34424988445037474 0.5325376274445751 Pericarp, Primitivo, soft berries 0.06134225179930259 0.03208777263656789 0.11269314336975714 Pericarp, Primitivo, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Refosco, pea-sized berry 4.423314956060924 4.086129821767846 4.621159896915172 Pericarp, Refosco, berries beginning to touch 2.6050599409754507 2.3643755428373683 3.080747210145199 Pericarp, Refosco, soft berries 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Refosco, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Sangiovese, pea-sized berry 1.3643016163496138 1.3399444918423222 1.3828119584886764 Pericarp, Sangiovese, berries beginning to touch 0.24154190739834028 0.23336053072532092 0.25093095383874175 Pericarp, Sangiovese, soft berries 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Sangiovese, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seed, green berry stage 0.05031629578273464 0.0 0.15094888734820391 Seed, 1 week after flowering 4.041527371908949 3.7627662494350527 4.294562324654165 Seed, seeded grape 0.41175356045552225 0.26413509030712706 0.6701897649021218 Seed, seedless grape 5.4776983023863055 0.26753521081072335 8.449387115007715 Seed, 7 weeks after flowering 2.978695980175313 0.0958126747233948 5.861579285627231 Seed trace, green berry stage 0.24235140360733332 0.0 0.39281754719911516