condition mean min max Leaf, Brachetto, 3 month old plants 1.319508727792954 0.7329442666660131 1.8518074999191378 Leaf, Pinot noir 0.24086038034391993 0.0 0.3866390434550065 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected, 3h 1.0009114359915832 0.9831796639904844 1.0186432079926822 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 24h 0.37385730198855677 0.34293929151485886 0.4047753124622547 Stem, Cabernet Sauvignon, N. parvum-infected 6 weeks 0.7843405475415783 0.6550578765469192 0.9136232185362375 Shoot apex, Chasselas Blanc,Preanthesis G stage 29.92502808040407 28.183659835071513 31.27123362857518 Shoot apex, Chasselas cioutat,Preanthesis G stage 29.80101732781299 29.062151052023943 30.49335055735719 Shoot phloems, Merlot 4.5979983758121135 4.447427393816676 4.7485693578075505 Flower bud, Female, Stage B 27.532605186337612 26.497903971815905 28.567306400859323 Flower bud, Female, Stage D 14.399605870609323 13.680184445366816 15.11902729585183 Flower bud, Female, Stage G 14.8465861353076 14.45283958151 15.240332689105202 Flower bud, Female, Stage H 9.913752315054472 8.88744081362676 10.940063816482184 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage B 21.73961101421107 20.85860964512886 22.62061238329328 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage D 19.540803315783002 18.685774519858033 20.39583211170797 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage G 17.040269284203152 16.087657901464198 17.992880666942106 Flower bud, Hermaphrodite, Stage H 13.339658937910055 12.669160511731148 14.010157364088965 Flower bud, Male, Stage B 23.548886234168627 21.884542077822136 25.21323039051512 Flower bud, Male, Stage D 21.463247948012125 21.24284884762256 21.683647048401692 Berry, mid-ripening 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, post-fruit set 0.2462031488259553 0.15254403793831242 0.3171785068742494 Berry, post-harvest withering 0.01901770944317516 0.0 0.03803541888635032 Berry, Zinfandel, veraison 0.015893580400100225 0.0 0.07946790200050112 Berry, Zinfandel, post-veraison 0.0 0.0 0.0 Berry, Zinfandel, harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 20 Brix 0.011789078623499163 0.0 0.03536723587049749 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Cabernet Sauvignon, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Chardonnay, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 20 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Merlot, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 20 Brix 0.013434456637960323 0.0 0.04030336991388097 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 22 Brix 0.013777886770047388 0.0 0.04133366031014216 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Pinot Noir, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 20 Brix 0.0097364331955667 0.0 0.029209299586700096 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 22 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 24 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Grape Skin, Sauvignon Blanc, 26 Brix 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Barbera, pea-sized berry 2.514606439081491 1.9496886556112203 3.0489466461015216 Pericarp, Barbera, berries beginning to touch 0.1180721817123147 0.0 0.2445191811499744 Pericarp, Barbera, soft berries 0.013478866269913542 0.0 0.040436598809740626 Pericarp, Barbera, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Negroamaro, pea-sized berry 2.2505823609227757 1.5299902386622772 2.794009385967926 Pericarp, Negroamaro, berries beginning to touch 0.2808329967804056 0.21978888252152357 0.3600610807617404 Pericarp, Negroamaro, soft berries 0.012300887381095317 0.0 0.03690266214328595 Pericarp, Negroamaro, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Primitivo, pea-sized berry 2.157315093402275 1.8088781704530708 2.5768892706790747 Pericarp, Primitivo, berries beginning to touch 0.22289459801656 0.1455744670536958 0.3012186488940779 Pericarp, Primitivo, soft berries 0.10833750706195956 0.07849167878316549 0.15025752449300953 Pericarp, Primitivo, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Refosco, pea-sized berry 2.012134888916318 1.4865269598468387 2.3582262570448163 Pericarp, Refosco, berries beginning to touch 0.05552217353223163 0.0 0.10304595956277325 Pericarp, Refosco, soft berries 0.16516394617636831 0.06837255741602602 0.3021987201797858 Pericarp, Refosco, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pericarp, Sangiovese, pea-sized berry 1.2178582170710226 1.0049583688817416 1.4386558186537346 Pericarp, Sangiovese, berries beginning to touch 0.06691492102366446 0.0 0.2007447630709934 Pericarp, Sangiovese, soft berries 0.11365623242488118 0.0 0.20380135380144296 Pericarp, Sangiovese, Ripe for harvest 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seed, green berry stage 2.220850021504896 1.3968907741584484 3.320875521660486 Seed, 1 week after flowering 7.7847236380114575 7.120763266246428 8.37747957421389 Seed, seeded grape 0.522423573268936 0.0 1.386709224112417 Seed, seedless grape 3.143213337768433 0.6212784643388025 5.484471821619828 Seed, 7 weeks after flowering 0.1320212167200801 0.0718595060425461 0.19218292739761414 Seed trace, green berry stage 4.736188641849941 3.977277665391041 5.222447869107575