condition mean min max Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1 490.5373333333333 405.258 553.174 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3 347.576 230.693 415.939 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5 183.118 172.323 197.025 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7 140.48 128.986 154.22 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9 124.5317 99.9541 147.568 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11 114.596 113.269 116.558 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1 91.16666666666667 82.186 100.722 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3 74.1563 71.0433 77.2762 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5 97.33693333333333 90.7475 106.832 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7 105.29433333333333 100.614 109.445 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9 143.76566666666668 132.983 157.542 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11 211.599 181.553 235.456 Roots 97.6711 89.2482 106.094 Root elongation and differentiation zone 105.82373333333334 99.4772 111.531 Root meristematic zone 65.32356666666666 58.1542 78.7206 Aerial roots and rhizophores 147.95850000000002 128.477 167.44 Shoot tips 161.18900000000002 145.072 177.306 Microphyll 276.8075 240.168 313.447 Strobili 185.832 168.107 203.557 Shoot apical meristem - AC 5.596216666666667 1.94783 11.385 Shoot apical meristem - Core 31.219949999999997 23.5954 38.8445 Shoot apical meristem - P1 1.86959 1.26001 2.47917 Stem - Top 171.75349999999997 169.861 173.646 Stem - Bottom 188.064 185.253 190.875 Whole plant 24.5539 19.2452 29.8626 Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark 35.068200000000004 32.9345 37.2019 Aerial tissue - Stress - High light 55.732 39.5479 71.9161 Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont 77.9661 77.9661 77.9661 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h 204.13600000000002 189.037 219.235 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h 247.394 233.999 260.789 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h 77.26035 72.3849 82.1358 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h 65.30510000000001 61.1109 69.4993