condition mean min max Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1 82.08011666666667 52.1437 107.969 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3 108.96476666666666 89.6393 129.225 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5 99.88323333333334 64.0797 134.255 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7 96.5702 57.2236 127.693 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9 79.28993333333332 71.5105 87.4005 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11 82.5885 70.7362 92.0215 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1 59.24743333333333 37.4353 85.2703 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3 46.821933333333334 45.6535 47.4934 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5 59.514633333333336 40.9266 76.8899 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7 70.75366666666666 43.1712 93.0165 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9 52.84753333333333 47.4492 57.8663 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11 84.90493333333333 74.0851 106.17 Roots 61.75305 58.2366 65.2695 Root elongation and differentiation zone 145.86266666666666 108.422 167.063 Root meristematic zone 138.1292 87.1616 186.745 Aerial roots and rhizophores 111.754 101.561 121.947 Shoot tips 89.6676 88.3399 90.9953 Microphyll 195.0405 128.756 261.325 Strobili 227.83749999999998 218.945 236.73 Shoot apical meristem - AC 75.20663333333333 25.7133 139.539 Shoot apical meristem - Core 25.810000000000002 22.7462 28.8738 Shoot apical meristem - P1 43.548550000000006 29.1045 57.9926 Stem - Top 133.61849999999998 117.22 150.017 Stem - Bottom 151.036 137.918 164.154 Whole plant 9.20138 4.65706 13.7457 Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark 22.1249 19.4815 24.7683 Aerial tissue - Stress - High light 17.433999999999997 16.4303 18.4377 Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont 23.2785 23.2785 23.2785 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h 113.526 100.475 126.577 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h 117.2415 115.018 119.465 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h 96.3475 87.676 105.019 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h 111.32249999999999 101.449 121.196