condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	31.6728	31.6728	31.6728
Immature male cones	41.693	41.693	41.693
Cambium and expanding xylem	9.68423	9.68423	9.68423
Cambium	10.89775	8.20505	13.6136
Expanding xylem	7.0314	6.02315	8.28998
Expanding and mature xylem	6.7837275	0.88959	11.8279
Maturing xylem	21.684	21.684	21.684
Wood	18.62225	18.3585	18.886
Bark	25.166937142857144	13.3058	36.5976
Bark, healthy	16.399	13.1347	19.6865
S1 xylem tracheids	3.5779675	2.53101	4.10615
S1 whole sections	13.823475	11.2351	16.6757
S2 ray cells	13.219	12.6851	13.8455
S2 xylem tracheids	21.4376	18.53	23.0752
S2 whole sections	12.596725	11.8013	13.5867
Dead late wood	21.9288	21.9288	21.9288
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	16.2366	16.2366	16.2366
Bark, root and butt rot	18.19898	10.6953	24.0139
Vegetative shoots - needles	22.648699999999998	22.5033	22.7941
Vegetative shoots - stem	26.3648	26.3648	26.3648
Vegetative shoots	39.4592	32.4879	46.4305
Girdled twig - stem	23.5675	23.5675	23.5675
Dried twig - needles	19.3179	19.3179	19.3179
Girdled twig - needles	29.0933	29.0933	29.0933
Needles	14.504020555555556	7.43997	28.6654
Needles - dawn	23.37	23.37	23.37
Needles - later afternoon	24.4655	24.4655	24.4655
Needles - midday	17.3649	17.3649	17.3649
Needles - night	19.8785	19.8785	19.8785
Light, 1 hour	22.75925	20.3379	27.8573
Light, 3 hours	21.122033333333334	18.7977	25.5238
Light, 5 hours	22.6785	22.0824	23.6778
Light, 7 hours	18.4586	15.8891	19.9345
Light, 9 hours	23.000366666666668	19.3089	27.6234
Light, 13 hours	21.84926666666667	20.8138	23.2265
Light, 15 hours	22.745566666666665	20.8664	25.1822
Darkness, 1 hour	19.124133333333333	16.0802	22.7577
Darkness, 3 hours	18.601233333333333	17.135	19.6777
Darkness, 5 hours	17.526899999999998	13.6048	19.8169
Darkness, 7 hours	23.1691	19.7776	27.3807
Darkness, 11 hours	19.973766666666666	14.8279	23.9127
Vegetative buds	28.229366666666667	26.271	31.306
Female buds	20.612299999999998	13.6276	24.4068
Male buds	49.64383333333333	45.9411	55.7495
Buds	25.181649999999998	24.3783	25.985
Pineapple galls	18.1416	18.1416	18.1416
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	46.932294444444445	40.7614	59.5474
Somatic germinants - normal type	46.7406	34.7287	57.3965
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	25.8489	23.7683	28.2178
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	42.43513333333333	39.7072	46.6389
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	42.4199	38.5172	46.1553
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	32.48283333333333	29.9321	33.7638
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	26.766233333333332	24.5171	29.7453
Cell culture - solid medium	40.17953333333333	35.6151	43.261
Somatic embryogenic cell line	25.23055777777778	5.30522	41.2114