condition mean min max Immature female cone 25.027 25.027 25.027 Immature male cones 20.1538 20.1538 20.1538 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.48059 2.48059 2.48059 Cambium 6.33823 1.12194 14.6948 Expanding xylem 3.8583975 1.4296 7.29793 Expanding and mature xylem 0.9209750000000001 0.0 2.39869 Maturing xylem 0.0541759 0.0541759 0.0541759 Wood 32.3694 23.0887 41.6501 Bark 24.367914285714285 13.401 36.9019 Bark, healthy 70.45752 43.2836 94.3225 S1 xylem tracheids 25.995925 23.3586 28.594 S1 whole sections 32.169225 30.5256 34.1487 S2 ray cells 35.363725 34.5908 36.431 S2 xylem tracheids 16.8251 16.1442 17.3647 S2 whole sections 33.808724999999995 31.1988 35.7786 Dead late wood 0.573317 0.573317 0.573317 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.483815 0.483815 0.483815 Bark, root and butt rot 60.28452 38.7487 93.7217 Vegetative shoots - needles 8.09627 7.5193 8.67324 Vegetative shoots - stem 16.0867 16.0867 16.0867 Vegetative shoots 18.6404 15.8936 21.3872 Girdled twig - stem 8.84025 8.84025 8.84025 Dried twig - needles 10.0882 10.0882 10.0882 Girdled twig - needles 11.417 11.417 11.417 Needles 20.86897777777778 11.8451 28.5041 Needles - dawn 6.52943 6.52943 6.52943 Needles - later afternoon 9.38237 9.38237 9.38237 Needles - midday 9.48448 9.48448 9.48448 Needles - night 10.3513 10.3513 10.3513 Light, 1 hour 25.541766666666668 21.3885 29.1255 Light, 3 hours 27.560066666666668 26.9672 28.2684 Light, 5 hours 27.656866666666666 24.3033 31.4928 Light, 7 hours 27.7917 25.9307 29.284 Light, 9 hours 22.8522 19.3157 27.5264 Light, 13 hours 22.0778 19.5072 24.1894 Light, 15 hours 24.0822 21.1471 29.2759 Darkness, 1 hour 28.946133333333332 28.418 29.7027 Darkness, 3 hours 25.367033333333335 22.3856 28.4629 Darkness, 5 hours 25.1199 20.7733 29.0467 Darkness, 7 hours 31.615366666666667 28.5215 34.4225 Darkness, 11 hours 20.180266666666668 13.475 25.3615 Vegetative buds 12.2401 10.658 13.2811 Female buds 10.67183 6.87469 13.4642 Male buds 18.757666666666665 17.7163 20.8155 Buds 21.53505 20.8533 22.2168 Pineapple galls 15.2574 15.2574 15.2574 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 14.08085 10.6382 19.3559 Somatic germinants - normal type 16.007197 9.92274 24.2528 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 19.2497 18.3749 19.9712 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 29.92096666666667 28.6935 31.6594 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 27.074333333333332 25.4816 28.1104 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 20.0869 17.929 21.7349 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 17.04606666666667 15.7248 17.998 Cell culture - solid medium 27.28473333333333 26.7562 28.3284 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.485957777777777 6.33142 23.0793