condition mean min max Immature female cone 24.4584 24.4584 24.4584 Immature male cones 13.3512 13.3512 13.3512 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.644576 0.644576 0.644576 Cambium 5.505439666666667 0.539309 13.479 Expanding xylem 0.55104625 0.268787 1.12032 Expanding and mature xylem 0.6669395 0.0 1.7311 Maturing xylem 0.42188 0.42188 0.42188 Wood 22.3501 18.6138 26.0864 Bark 20.715402857142855 10.5834 34.369 Bark, healthy 35.6132 21.1981 50.2119 S1 xylem tracheids 2.141715 1.86 2.56179 S1 whole sections 10.00182 8.55894 11.2701 S2 ray cells 19.056075 16.669 20.2475 S2 xylem tracheids 16.227775 15.0001 17.5002 S2 whole sections 13.1585 11.1387 14.5354 Dead late wood 1.03028 1.03028 1.03028 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 1.97798 1.97798 1.97798 Bark, root and butt rot 31.51116 23.3542 43.551 Vegetative shoots - needles 6.70477 5.74041 7.66913 Vegetative shoots - stem 28.7377 28.7377 28.7377 Vegetative shoots 24.32795 20.2083 28.4476 Girdled twig - stem 23.2955 23.2955 23.2955 Dried twig - needles 17.6052 17.6052 17.6052 Girdled twig - needles 9.7947 9.7947 9.7947 Needles 32.46827555555556 9.28024 44.1261 Needles - dawn 6.2405 6.2405 6.2405 Needles - later afternoon 8.56885 8.56885 8.56885 Needles - midday 8.68352 8.68352 8.68352 Needles - night 8.88141 8.88141 8.88141 Light, 1 hour 18.817416666666666 17.3378 21.8131 Light, 3 hours 18.283 17.8828 18.7256 Light, 5 hours 21.0881 17.8863 24.3388 Light, 7 hours 22.369166666666665 20.1878 26.6651 Light, 9 hours 16.493433333333336 15.2681 17.1319 Light, 13 hours 16.191066666666664 15.3467 16.7034 Light, 15 hours 17.749066666666668 16.9173 19.0507 Darkness, 1 hour 21.000600000000002 16.0968 23.7164 Darkness, 3 hours 19.76546666666667 18.1078 21.9389 Darkness, 5 hours 20.950633333333332 16.0112 24.9733 Darkness, 7 hours 21.445066666666666 18.4391 23.8374 Darkness, 11 hours 13.504633333333333 10.1551 18.8799 Vegetative buds 19.81673333333333 18.5556 21.3435 Female buds 19.005833333333335 11.4275 23.7391 Male buds 34.0846 30.6503 36.8052 Buds 30.3759 28.9783 31.7735 Pineapple galls 24.0723 24.0723 24.0723 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 15.959866666666667 13.0329 21.0783 Somatic germinants - normal type 19.55753 13.9462 27.7509 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 17.525166666666667 15.5626 19.1209 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 26.427066666666665 25.1042 28.8988 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 28.7753 28.6478 28.9373 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 17.699633333333335 17.3895 18.1137 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 16.043666666666667 14.1601 18.3371 Cell culture - solid medium 25.2351 25.0606 25.4013 Somatic embryogenic cell line 20.2489 11.2799 23.4498