condition mean min max Immature female cone 12.2726 12.2726 12.2726 Immature male cones 28.5341 28.5341 28.5341 Cambium and expanding xylem 117.93 117.93 117.93 Cambium 88.69036666666666 68.825 106.809 Expanding xylem 233.2525 211.762 262.534 Expanding and mature xylem 168.173 119.686 224.658 Maturing xylem 116.691 116.691 116.691 Wood 107.54185000000001 83.8447 131.239 Bark 42.02969485714286 9.04932 103.459 Bark, healthy 114.0557 58.8264 172.636 S1 xylem tracheids 619.15975 585.656 636.254 S1 whole sections 268.6075 256.521 283.091 S2 ray cells 283.56225 264.855 309.785 S2 xylem tracheids 381.67575 372.679 387.251 S2 whole sections 220.1395 210.061 225.105 Dead late wood 156.03 156.03 156.03 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 129.449 129.449 129.449 Bark, root and butt rot 114.28912 67.8861 165.255 Vegetative shoots - needles 158.93349999999998 132.947 184.92 Vegetative shoots - stem 120.618 120.618 120.618 Vegetative shoots 34.78475 17.5404 52.0291 Girdled twig - stem 68.0846 68.0846 68.0846 Dried twig - needles 53.0033 53.0033 53.0033 Girdled twig - needles 86.8629 86.8629 86.8629 Needles 87.40018888888889 47.907 136.768 Needles - dawn 264.157 264.157 264.157 Needles - later afternoon 222.649 222.649 222.649 Needles - midday 310.679 310.679 310.679 Needles - night 326.145 326.145 326.145 Light, 1 hour 32.9606 21.7197 40.1647 Light, 3 hours 31.88906666666667 26.0227 36.1505 Light, 5 hours 30.646633333333334 22.549 45.1177 Light, 7 hours 32.83533333333333 28.5531 36.1842 Light, 9 hours 26.310333333333332 19.934 31.7845 Light, 13 hours 35.79503333333333 33.1294 40.6701 Light, 15 hours 34.59243333333333 28.8508 41.9779 Darkness, 1 hour 34.35223333333333 29.6149 37.8275 Darkness, 3 hours 32.4216 28.5561 35.3848 Darkness, 5 hours 27.462533333333333 18.5893 33.88 Darkness, 7 hours 39.591166666666666 36.0138 41.4073 Darkness, 11 hours 25.6686 15.1954 32.2986 Vegetative buds 78.20133333333334 63.133 94.3214 Female buds 70.25846666666666 38.8256 88.5774 Male buds 83.32073333333332 49.2436 136.914 Buds 84.54495 77.1044 91.9855 Pineapple galls 97.9319 97.9319 97.9319 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 96.38725555555556 83.1755 118.694 Somatic germinants - normal type 119.175825 89.1573 146.447 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 24.5442 21.5198 26.2351 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 15.167766666666667 11.0702 17.6832 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 36.906933333333335 32.4339 42.8635 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 29.682566666666666 28.9306 30.3474 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 37.17486666666667 32.2403 43.1573 Cell culture - solid medium 50.19546666666667 45.6554 55.8854 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.742014444444447 3.03444 33.9885