condition mean min max Immature female cone 22.4491 22.4491 22.4491 Immature male cones 27.1094 27.1094 27.1094 Cambium and expanding xylem 16.5555 16.5555 16.5555 Cambium 18.609033333333333 14.2814 26.0274 Expanding xylem 15.262 10.7487 19.5198 Expanding and mature xylem 5.89978 1.62104 10.9818 Maturing xylem 16.5622 16.5622 16.5622 Wood 28.18225 26.0684 30.2961 Bark 29.81264 15.3207 38.3069 Bark, healthy 24.64884 18.7858 36.3927 S1 xylem tracheids 34.273575 32.6882 37.2288 S1 whole sections 17.83345 15.7854 18.8799 S2 ray cells 25.905625 24.2671 28.3005 S2 xylem tracheids 39.005700000000004 37.1518 42.232 S2 whole sections 13.903725 12.9817 15.2579 Dead late wood 22.945 22.945 22.945 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 32.4295 32.4295 32.4295 Bark, root and butt rot 23.63326 19.676 26.7102 Vegetative shoots - needles 21.03955 20.7122 21.3669 Vegetative shoots - stem 34.8057 34.8057 34.8057 Vegetative shoots 27.23245 24.985 29.4799 Girdled twig - stem 28.862 28.862 28.862 Dried twig - needles 16.938 16.938 16.938 Girdled twig - needles 19.4649 19.4649 19.4649 Needles 23.924455555555557 18.6609 32.9455 Needles - dawn 20.2506 20.2506 20.2506 Needles - later afternoon 21.0762 21.0762 21.0762 Needles - midday 20.9819 20.9819 20.9819 Needles - night 18.8323 18.8323 18.8323 Light, 1 hour 23.748433333333335 20.0516 27.4888 Light, 3 hours 23.5941 23.3782 23.9128 Light, 5 hours 25.510466666666666 22.8631 28.4552 Light, 7 hours 24.389666666666667 19.1621 28.1536 Light, 9 hours 21.2702 15.3486 26.2252 Light, 13 hours 22.9163 19.155 25.9937 Light, 15 hours 21.028666666666666 17.7714 23.2893 Darkness, 1 hour 25.1469 21.2604 30.2411 Darkness, 3 hours 22.878433333333334 20.0981 26.4415 Darkness, 5 hours 20.498266666666666 18.7841 23.0693 Darkness, 7 hours 28.1856 27.6182 29.0024 Darkness, 11 hours 17.837333333333333 10.8595 23.3109 Vegetative buds 32.5526 31.4036 33.5787 Female buds 27.933366666666668 16.9879 34.063 Male buds 20.994633333333333 17.4209 25.4331 Buds 32.735749999999996 31.2528 34.2187 Pineapple galls 37.8093 37.8093 37.8093 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 23.934933333333333 17.235 34.3875 Somatic germinants - normal type 25.463355 19.9794 32.3517 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 17.43626666666667 17.1702 17.8707 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 22.909633333333332 20.5418 25.1461 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 26.569266666666667 25.8343 27.8661 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 20.497533333333333 18.817 22.583 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 19.709766666666667 17.803 21.6591 Cell culture - solid medium 22.815166666666666 20.8377 24.285 Somatic embryogenic cell line 20.7372 11.4136 24.8653