condition mean min max Immature female cone 14.3289 14.3289 14.3289 Immature male cones 23.4604 23.4604 23.4604 Cambium and expanding xylem 510.347 510.347 510.347 Cambium 715.35 435.338 893.858 Expanding xylem 130.645325 82.7537 194.741 Expanding and mature xylem 126.064825 86.5963 163.135 Maturing xylem 86.9614 86.9614 86.9614 Wood 116.46045000000001 47.4319 185.489 Bark 14.484414285714285 2.73744 38.9903 Bark, healthy 24.228128 7.58144 44.8637 S1 xylem tracheids 39.449375 32.5515 46.8697 S1 whole sections 96.683225 86.7665 111.977 S2 ray cells 73.67895 57.8894 85.1811 S2 xylem tracheids 124.365 121.702 128.703 S2 whole sections 132.13275 113.034 154.828 Dead late wood 300.446 300.446 300.446 Phloem and cambium 1467.29 1467.29 1467.29 Dear early and late wood 205.89 205.89 205.89 Bark, root and butt rot 15.526612 5.55236 34.2902 Vegetative shoots - needles 47.644450000000006 22.0824 73.2065 Vegetative shoots - stem 89.3613 89.3613 89.3613 Vegetative shoots 10.413345 7.07469 13.752 Girdled twig - stem 291.866 291.866 291.866 Dried twig - needles 43.7397 43.7397 43.7397 Girdled twig - needles 45.3394 45.3394 45.3394 Needles 17.184824444444445 3.18437 43.9497 Needles - dawn 98.004 98.004 98.004 Needles - later afternoon 72.0387 72.0387 72.0387 Needles - midday 85.505 85.505 85.505 Needles - night 61.3993 61.3993 61.3993 Light, 1 hour 54.05423333333333 37.9031 71.2148 Light, 3 hours 48.141866666666665 29.9883 60.5135 Light, 5 hours 50.998333333333335 36.2475 77.0305 Light, 7 hours 50.976933333333335 27.5209 80.8427 Light, 9 hours 42.755833333333335 34.466 54.6446 Light, 13 hours 42.27546666666667 30.0735 53.5741 Light, 15 hours 43.9864 38.1541 50.8866 Darkness, 1 hour 50.427533333333336 49.0595 53.1543 Darkness, 3 hours 63.203833333333336 35.0503 83.9149 Darkness, 5 hours 58.589533333333335 39.3631 71.9 Darkness, 7 hours 46.7059 34.5767 54.2951 Darkness, 11 hours 35.065133333333335 25.2815 51.077 Vegetative buds 94.36956666666667 89.3078 97.1783 Female buds 70.21856666666666 62.3994 82.7743 Male buds 71.57726666666667 42.072 124.998 Buds 97.0667 20.1814 173.952 Pineapple galls 32.5058 32.5058 32.5058 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 39.563916666666664 28.3335 60.4204 Somatic germinants - normal type 32.9201 20.5881 45.6051 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 9.0626 6.63033 13.0947 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 20.191666666666666 19.3864 20.724 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 20.0453 18.7099 21.1617 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 15.616966666666666 15.1008 16.3203 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 7.369163333333334 6.69496 8.56484 Cell culture - solid medium 12.583636666666667 9.74331 14.9172 Somatic embryogenic cell line 86.7851111111111 51.6078 120.14