condition mean min max Immature female cone 337.855 337.855 337.855 Immature male cones 253.31 253.31 253.31 Cambium and expanding xylem 212.624 212.624 212.624 Cambium 168.58493333333334 54.8068 294.908 Expanding xylem 163.39724999999999 115.61 202.515 Expanding and mature xylem 102.511675 80.837 134.13 Maturing xylem 154.257 154.257 154.257 Wood 206.1235 163.858 248.389 Bark 112.71146857142857 62.3286 160.085 Bark, healthy 52.37208 43.6461 56.3291 S1 xylem tracheids 182.63125000000002 173.758 202.764 S1 whole sections 73.5835 70.1289 80.9886 S2 ray cells 129.13400000000001 104.771 160.35 S2 xylem tracheids 126.64725 111.49 140.028 S2 whole sections 66.096625 58.5225 74.8957 Dead late wood 291.751 291.751 291.751 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 159.69 159.69 159.69 Bark, root and butt rot 62.1665 38.5936 91.7975 Vegetative shoots - needles 131.74349999999998 116.201 147.286 Vegetative shoots - stem 182.151 182.151 182.151 Vegetative shoots 343.87149999999997 249.75 437.993 Girdled twig - stem 156.455 156.455 156.455 Dried twig - needles 182.048 182.048 182.048 Girdled twig - needles 136.956 136.956 136.956 Needles 181.38107222222223 98.1333 388.754 Needles - dawn 107.911 107.911 107.911 Needles - later afternoon 125.788 125.788 125.788 Needles - midday 131.095 131.095 131.095 Needles - night 135.627 135.627 135.627 Light, 1 hour 80.6971 58.6957 109.658 Light, 3 hours 51.12383333333333 44.0745 55.8108 Light, 5 hours 73.10346666666666 50.6416 86.9335 Light, 7 hours 67.1168 60.4531 78.908 Light, 9 hours 67.0795 61.5411 75.535 Light, 13 hours 73.3091 65.497 83.5344 Light, 15 hours 66.78476666666667 60.5755 73.0291 Darkness, 1 hour 52.490700000000004 43.1785 69.8057 Darkness, 3 hours 62.7831 57.4445 68.6813 Darkness, 5 hours 59.56463333333333 50.3719 65.4409 Darkness, 7 hours 74.4815 55.7723 89.4803 Darkness, 11 hours 52.48636666666666 35.5329 62.7009 Vegetative buds 254.236 251.634 256.178 Female buds 235.528 170.759 284.534 Male buds 266.7216666666667 254.312 281.218 Buds 300.96 229.754 372.166 Pineapple galls 194.899 194.899 194.899 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 101.1947 89.8589 124.568 Somatic germinants - normal type 102.52099 67.1401 144.486 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 209.06133333333332 187.726 223.074 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 282.2656666666667 270.975 292.106 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 377.544 337.281 403.427 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 248.37133333333333 219.224 275.063 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 229.91833333333332 198.647 266.517 Cell culture - solid medium 304.7936666666667 289.595 329.07 Somatic embryogenic cell line 221.98477777777777 118.073 269.451