condition mean min max Immature female cone 194.704 194.704 194.704 Immature male cones 149.332 149.332 149.332 Cambium and expanding xylem 157.809 157.809 157.809 Cambium 184.59366666666665 143.878 216.935 Expanding xylem 141.491975 80.1479 180.031 Expanding and mature xylem 124.37752499999999 51.8891 192.112 Maturing xylem 98.3599 98.3599 98.3599 Wood 102.642 94.008 111.276 Bark 77.57641142857143 27.7793 111.569 Bark, healthy 35.62256 25.3702 47.5759 S1 xylem tracheids 66.35872499999999 62.9829 68.4174 S1 whole sections 43.0344 37.3816 47.5876 S2 ray cells 64.383875 55.9582 75.74 S2 xylem tracheids 93.51599999999999 88.6794 100.41 S2 whole sections 40.2778 37.3092 42.676 Dead late wood 272.373 272.373 272.373 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 155.878 155.878 155.878 Bark, root and butt rot 46.7109 44.3447 53.1086 Vegetative shoots - needles 136.5235 116.437 156.61 Vegetative shoots - stem 112.836 112.836 112.836 Vegetative shoots 138.813 117.09 160.536 Girdled twig - stem 147.467 147.467 147.467 Dried twig - needles 148.09 148.09 148.09 Girdled twig - needles 137.917 137.917 137.917 Needles 87.36664444444445 44.5653 139.326 Needles - dawn 156.463 156.463 156.463 Needles - later afternoon 102.189 102.189 102.189 Needles - midday 127.561 127.561 127.561 Needles - night 98.9313 98.9313 98.9313 Light, 1 hour 186.552 174.106 217.976 Light, 3 hours 177.66966666666667 167.109 184.639 Light, 5 hours 185.78733333333335 183.339 189.372 Light, 7 hours 190.95333333333335 169.013 214.059 Light, 9 hours 194.16966666666667 159.421 242.826 Light, 13 hours 194.01633333333334 166.614 222.447 Light, 15 hours 206.958 184.677 218.165 Darkness, 1 hour 190.811 164.433 208.873 Darkness, 3 hours 191.61433333333332 179.877 202.534 Darkness, 5 hours 180.566 133.323 209.392 Darkness, 7 hours 225.21033333333332 182.114 261.501 Darkness, 11 hours 158.02726666666666 89.5018 205.086 Vegetative buds 92.7606 80.6748 107.685 Female buds 86.62546666666667 38.5444 118.606 Male buds 75.0185 71.4633 81.3799 Buds 122.815 105.593 140.037 Pineapple galls 123.674 123.674 123.674 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 128.79117222222223 96.0976 158.697 Somatic germinants - normal type 106.06288 80.5171 130.475 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 167.81233333333333 162.915 171.388 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 196.88266666666667 191.017 202.516 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 190.03433333333334 173.719 206.192 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 171.64333333333335 165.879 180.086 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 184.58966666666666 175.4 202.949 Cell culture - solid medium 183.38733333333334 175.254 192.199 Somatic embryogenic cell line 190.16922222222223 123.219 269.947