condition mean min max Immature female cone 122.353 122.353 122.353 Immature male cones 129.776 129.776 129.776 Cambium and expanding xylem 354.311 354.311 354.311 Cambium 417.592 302.574 575.803 Expanding xylem 321.21575 236.65 413.798 Expanding and mature xylem 343.43725 223.381 564.444 Maturing xylem 384.386 384.386 384.386 Wood 200.6005 191.39 209.811 Bark 129.87317714285714 96.5617 175.486 Bark, healthy 81.1786 73.0336 95.886 S1 xylem tracheids 133.713 123.92 153.784 S1 whole sections 112.04075 107.049 124.71 S2 ray cells 131.70600000000002 128.922 136.934 S2 xylem tracheids 152.19225 146.384 162.163 S2 whole sections 105.666 100.963 112.427 Dead late wood 352.079 352.079 352.079 Phloem and cambium 42.7371 42.7371 42.7371 Dear early and late wood 435.857 435.857 435.857 Bark, root and butt rot 74.99126 59.37 83.2431 Vegetative shoots - needles 91.3672 82.4584 100.276 Vegetative shoots - stem 137.408 137.408 137.408 Vegetative shoots 102.42925 92.6295 112.229 Girdled twig - stem 134.308 134.308 134.308 Dried twig - needles 103.071 103.071 103.071 Girdled twig - needles 71.6578 71.6578 71.6578 Needles 53.97512777777778 24.2646 97.1684 Needles - dawn 114.864 114.864 114.864 Needles - later afternoon 94.0566 94.0566 94.0566 Needles - midday 89.8719 89.8719 89.8719 Needles - night 92.8781 92.8781 92.8781 Light, 1 hour 61.3191 45.6713 74.4162 Light, 3 hours 60.3656 46.2506 68.2388 Light, 5 hours 64.1042 52.3901 78.4064 Light, 7 hours 60.65846666666667 50.9258 71.312 Light, 9 hours 46.5623 37.8256 54.8905 Light, 13 hours 54.012233333333334 42.3726 66.6562 Light, 15 hours 60.32233333333333 52.7288 67.6308 Darkness, 1 hour 48.264 41.3644 60.004 Darkness, 3 hours 52.75946666666667 47.5519 58.9704 Darkness, 5 hours 57.0869 47.9827 69.865 Darkness, 7 hours 73.49473333333333 61.7745 81.2373 Darkness, 11 hours 45.097 27.5071 67.771 Vegetative buds 113.80733333333333 100.086 123.099 Female buds 85.70946666666667 58.3494 102.743 Male buds 108.56866666666667 108.194 109.283 Buds 158.625 154.871 162.379 Pineapple galls 115.545 115.545 115.545 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 97.6070111111111 78.6658 122.073 Somatic germinants - normal type 96.028815 72.3617 141.572 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 70.069 65.3958 78.5865 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 98.28916666666666 92.5455 101.323 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 102.66636666666666 93.6641 109.928 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 64.56893333333333 54.5645 69.6238 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 61.222233333333335 59.008 62.9021 Cell culture - solid medium 105.43856666666666 98.7487 115.321 Somatic embryogenic cell line 102.13396666666667 41.3076 125.201