condition mean min max Immature female cone 14.9537 14.9537 14.9537 Immature male cones 11.8681 11.8681 11.8681 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.65859 2.65859 2.65859 Cambium 2.29012 1.47261 3.1644 Expanding xylem 2.0811580000000003 0.935492 2.78945 Expanding and mature xylem 2.198645 0.0 3.36784 Maturing xylem 1.17876 1.17876 1.17876 Wood 9.937445 8.53449 11.3404 Bark 17.027105714285714 10.2681 24.9461 Bark, healthy 13.783876 8.10348 18.695 S1 xylem tracheids 12.519 11.3759 14.6683 S1 whole sections 13.298075 11.7454 14.0339 S2 ray cells 19.602175 19.1695 20.293 S2 xylem tracheids 11.330449999999999 10.6547 11.6478 S2 whole sections 10.2105325 8.75524 11.4834 Dead late wood 1.02809 1.02809 1.02809 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 5.78975 5.78975 5.78975 Bark, root and butt rot 13.85352 10.3252 16.7961 Vegetative shoots - needles 9.264485 5.69887 12.8301 Vegetative shoots - stem 14.1162 14.1162 14.1162 Vegetative shoots 11.46353 6.73236 16.1947 Girdled twig - stem 7.30775 7.30775 7.30775 Dried twig - needles 20.6774 20.6774 20.6774 Girdled twig - needles 4.9078 4.9078 4.9078 Needles 13.001879444444445 6.73896 24.7722 Needles - dawn 8.20269 8.20269 8.20269 Needles - later afternoon 6.19441 6.19441 6.19441 Needles - midday 7.87099 7.87099 7.87099 Needles - night 6.7912 6.7912 6.7912 Light, 1 hour 13.75845 11.6905 15.2988 Light, 3 hours 13.027733333333334 12.0885 13.9833 Light, 5 hours 13.255233333333333 10.0535 16.1907 Light, 7 hours 14.6964 14.0542 15.2672 Light, 9 hours 14.035566666666666 12.779 14.9437 Light, 13 hours 14.4259 13.7181 14.8043 Light, 15 hours 13.742799999999999 12.0376 14.8616 Darkness, 1 hour 15.665466666666667 14.9219 16.6583 Darkness, 3 hours 15.598433333333334 14.5394 16.7146 Darkness, 5 hours 13.108033333333333 12.0179 13.7974 Darkness, 7 hours 16.9709 14.5716 19.1615 Darkness, 11 hours 11.648643333333334 8.26443 14.277 Vegetative buds 16.654066666666665 14.7554 19.227 Female buds 13.26369 6.58617 16.8892 Male buds 13.873233333333333 10.8168 16.2513 Buds 10.945395000000001 8.63409 13.2567 Pineapple galls 12.7212 12.7212 12.7212 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 14.870594444444444 10.921 19.8231 Somatic germinants - normal type 14.979301 9.70692 19.6231 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 7.94946 7.63241 8.28123 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 9.08415 8.86084 9.24433 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 13.615666666666666 13.5091 13.7095 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 10.671 10.2782 11.3164 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 8.80427 8.36264 9.57673 Cell culture - solid medium 9.344436666666667 6.92958 11.358 Somatic embryogenic cell line 13.28727111111111 3.73668 21.663