condition mean min max Immature female cone 4.52527 4.52527 4.52527 Immature male cones 2.39648 2.39648 2.39648 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.39404 1.39404 1.39404 Cambium 0.5481776666666667 0.0 1.07084 Expanding xylem 0.190046 0.0 0.760184 Expanding and mature xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 13.76115 10.5503 16.972 Bark 6.120781714285714 1.52729 14.5965 Bark, healthy 10.277228 5.71089 13.914 S1 xylem tracheids 6.5038325 1.98762 9.98711 S1 whole sections 6.8717975 3.61198 9.58643 S2 ray cells 11.7249675 8.08917 15.3281 S2 xylem tracheids 6.749685 4.67994 9.43844 S2 whole sections 7.906420000000001 5.45732 9.16117 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bark, root and butt rot 6.590204 4.06032 9.02517 Vegetative shoots - needles 8.286975 7.13134 9.44261 Vegetative shoots - stem 5.83061 5.83061 5.83061 Vegetative shoots 6.19069 3.98854 8.39284 Girdled twig - stem 8.97811 8.97811 8.97811 Dried twig - needles 1.27314 1.27314 1.27314 Girdled twig - needles 7.53018 7.53018 7.53018 Needles 5.599080555555555 2.4041 9.8493 Needles - dawn 2.63552 2.63552 2.63552 Needles - later afternoon 5.09823 5.09823 5.09823 Needles - midday 5.35216 5.35216 5.35216 Needles - night 9.03694 9.03694 9.03694 Light, 1 hour 6.789478333333333 3.41607 11.3365 Light, 3 hours 7.9072233333333335 7.00397 9.54148 Light, 5 hours 9.106493333333333 7.42094 10.8683 Light, 7 hours 7.3226 3.9372 11.1096 Light, 9 hours 4.003923333333334 3.38716 4.57441 Light, 13 hours 7.109323333333333 5.27304 9.26859 Light, 15 hours 8.573443333333334 6.72277 10.9423 Darkness, 1 hour 13.43554 9.59642 15.4988 Darkness, 3 hours 6.1457006666666665 0.853982 11.2457 Darkness, 5 hours 5.620843333333333 1.9137 11.0574 Darkness, 7 hours 9.75517 8.0294 13.1847 Darkness, 11 hours 3.87665 0.97196 5.80391 Vegetative buds 11.459683333333334 8.30045 14.8045 Female buds 13.82183 8.21059 18.1605 Male buds 14.023133333333334 12.5199 14.9922 Buds 8.043015 5.02973 11.0563 Pineapple galls 6.18603 6.18603 6.18603 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 6.853653333333333 4.5423 12.9215 Somatic germinants - normal type 4.137497 1.72095 7.86509 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 14.031966666666667 11.3272 19.0685 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 19.583466666666666 15.5781 23.0487 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 16.742266666666666 13.9121 21.752 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 8.88164 6.27002 10.2506 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 7.494666666666666 4.73873 10.7957 Cell culture - solid medium 17.7482 15.9861 19.5593 Somatic embryogenic cell line 8.699984444444445 3.44025 14.4018