condition mean min max Immature female cone 41.7596 41.7596 41.7596 Immature male cones 27.2204 27.2204 27.2204 Cambium and expanding xylem 28.0061 28.0061 28.0061 Cambium 30.18466666666667 26.9292 35.1424 Expanding xylem 27.749299999999998 15.2747 35.8353 Expanding and mature xylem 27.35125 17.4975 39.9222 Maturing xylem 25.1688 25.1688 25.1688 Wood 50.759 49.746 51.772 Bark 77.46564857142857 56.2812 93.4193 Bark, healthy 46.80812 43.2475 50.4107 S1 xylem tracheids 124.28975 121.953 126.56 S1 whole sections 60.63075 54.583 67.88 S2 ray cells 88.6028 84.7708 97.0028 S2 xylem tracheids 73.117925 69.7831 77.8038 S2 whole sections 48.30025 44.84 50.9493 Dead late wood 27.0309 27.0309 27.0309 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 32.4876 32.4876 32.4876 Bark, root and butt rot 45.71156 34.6355 58.8128 Vegetative shoots - needles 29.0952 25.5505 32.6399 Vegetative shoots - stem 39.9458 39.9458 39.9458 Vegetative shoots 31.98625 31.9208 32.0517 Girdled twig - stem 30.0971 30.0971 30.0971 Dried twig - needles 41.7106 41.7106 41.7106 Girdled twig - needles 37.7439 37.7439 37.7439 Needles 25.878355555555554 16.9813 32.2798 Needles - dawn 33.563 33.563 33.563 Needles - later afternoon 24.0299 24.0299 24.0299 Needles - midday 28.5794 28.5794 28.5794 Needles - night 25.3017 25.3017 25.3017 Light, 1 hour 23.945883333333335 21.7683 26.586 Light, 3 hours 20.316933333333335 15.6812 25.3145 Light, 5 hours 28.292466666666666 26.3843 31.9004 Light, 7 hours 25.723966666666666 23.3594 30.1473 Light, 9 hours 19.552466666666668 17.1385 21.3846 Light, 13 hours 22.916366666666665 18.0504 26.5631 Light, 15 hours 23.067 22.3638 24.3837 Darkness, 1 hour 23.9954 22.6553 25.2341 Darkness, 3 hours 23.5545 22.1271 24.4454 Darkness, 5 hours 24.001433333333335 23.0235 25.0649 Darkness, 7 hours 26.9088 22.7298 30.7408 Darkness, 11 hours 16.3131 11.7511 20.8662 Vegetative buds 62.92686666666667 55.2395 67.4753 Female buds 51.154333333333334 31.2506 62.9412 Male buds 56.723866666666666 55.2699 58.712 Buds 46.86305 46.8236 46.9025 Pineapple galls 46.2336 46.2336 46.2336 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 50.55446111111111 43.3281 57.9464 Somatic germinants - normal type 50.868735 38.5642 60.5404 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 31.147833333333335 30.5103 31.9544 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 41.53803333333333 38.2389 44.2664 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 37.15513333333333 35.4102 38.7992 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 31.5136 29.0586 35.274 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 28.321066666666667 26.8719 29.1272 Cell culture - solid medium 44.61173333333333 38.427 50.5732 Somatic embryogenic cell line 30.600054444444446 8.13499 46.9854