condition mean min max Immature female cone 29.1797 29.1797 29.1797 Immature male cones 29.7926 29.7926 29.7926 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.06649 1.06649 1.06649 Cambium 1.9369133333333333 0.0 4.80688 Expanding xylem 1.20354525 0.0 3.00189 Expanding and mature xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 20.52805 17.6281 23.428 Bark 55.455777142857144 35.2866 74.5627 Bark, healthy 18.07364 15.9072 22.5542 S1 xylem tracheids 25.0958 21.0279 28.2536 S1 whole sections 18.219549999999998 17.649 18.6158 S2 ray cells 28.576525 24.211 34.109 S2 xylem tracheids 5.840305 5.59217 6.15605 S2 whole sections 18.187175 14.5169 20.5618 Dead late wood 1.70467 1.70467 1.70467 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 2.33764 2.33764 2.33764 Bark, root and butt rot 23.75622 15.2704 49.8703 Vegetative shoots - needles 26.974800000000002 22.1034 31.8462 Vegetative shoots - stem 29.0811 29.0811 29.0811 Vegetative shoots 31.7101 30.8722 32.548 Girdled twig - stem 18.7565 18.7565 18.7565 Dried twig - needles 30.681 30.681 30.681 Girdled twig - needles 41.7832 41.7832 41.7832 Needles 44.47513333333333 31.6687 76.9556 Needles - dawn 33.9143 33.9143 33.9143 Needles - later afternoon 44.1224 44.1224 44.1224 Needles - midday 40.2646 40.2646 40.2646 Needles - night 46.7338 46.7338 46.7338 Light, 1 hour 71.00271666666667 54.4029 92.1296 Light, 3 hours 70.53383333333333 67.9261 74.9537 Light, 5 hours 79.06786666666666 69.5024 95.6376 Light, 7 hours 78.9453 73.6402 85.0952 Light, 9 hours 64.53136666666667 58.2462 70.7283 Light, 13 hours 61.020199999999996 52.1619 75.3881 Light, 15 hours 67.404 61.6046 74.726 Darkness, 1 hour 81.36853333333333 65.2435 89.4682 Darkness, 3 hours 76.6822 74.9649 77.8658 Darkness, 5 hours 60.891133333333336 36.3921 73.9729 Darkness, 7 hours 63.04966666666667 49.6858 71.8823 Darkness, 11 hours 57.82333333333333 33.4499 78.6841 Vegetative buds 59.8282 55.3797 65.1102 Female buds 45.416333333333334 25.481 58.4913 Male buds 60.72423333333333 51.9694 69.8249 Buds 31.29515 24.9605 37.6298 Pineapple galls 23.8416 23.8416 23.8416 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 40.84787222222222 27.7811 66.149 Somatic germinants - normal type 43.34292 30.3734 75.6436 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 21.797833333333333 19.9099 22.8851 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 21.053866666666668 18.3935 22.6031 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 27.976933333333335 25.9295 31.7725 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 20.9902 20.7718 21.1091 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 22.925766666666664 20.104 28.1895 Cell culture - solid medium 29.145466666666668 26.8277 31.1074 Somatic embryogenic cell line 27.263844444444445 10.4553 40.3232