condition mean min max Immature female cone 23.4148 23.4148 23.4148 Immature male cones 14.7881 14.7881 14.7881 Cambium and expanding xylem 4.11415 4.11415 4.11415 Cambium 8.41887 4.22459 14.6098 Expanding xylem 9.9387375 9.3077 10.2935 Expanding and mature xylem 7.2340925 2.77165 15.0034 Maturing xylem 5.69148 5.69148 5.69148 Wood 30.3851 27.3119 33.4583 Bark 34.44508 23.8573 54.6273 Bark, healthy 14.003782 9.15631 19.597 S1 xylem tracheids 13.6943 10.7775 17.4689 S1 whole sections 16.035625 12.576 21.0596 S2 ray cells 27.782225 24.6599 31.7912 S2 xylem tracheids 17.2232 14.7313 20.7376 S2 whole sections 14.028875 12.7275 16.3447 Dead late wood 3.73636 3.73636 3.73636 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 3.93503 3.93503 3.93503 Bark, root and butt rot 26.30632 18.6502 37.4689 Vegetative shoots - needles 27.073900000000002 17.6176 36.5302 Vegetative shoots - stem 29.1123 29.1123 29.1123 Vegetative shoots 33.4849 22.2039 44.7659 Girdled twig - stem 13.8968 13.8968 13.8968 Dried twig - needles 19.1283 19.1283 19.1283 Girdled twig - needles 21.0742 21.0742 21.0742 Needles 28.40127777777778 16.484 45.1506 Needles - dawn 24.8935 24.8935 24.8935 Needles - later afternoon 17.9527 17.9527 17.9527 Needles - midday 13.2624 13.2624 13.2624 Needles - night 14.4758 14.4758 14.4758 Light, 1 hour 22.01425 17.9256 27.2554 Light, 3 hours 22.3827 17.3221 25.8686 Light, 5 hours 22.956633333333333 14.4225 32.8606 Light, 7 hours 23.372733333333333 21.1852 26.1695 Light, 9 hours 20.134133333333335 17.2387 22.7237 Light, 13 hours 19.976066666666668 15.194 24.4429 Light, 15 hours 19.386966666666666 18.0819 21.6004 Darkness, 1 hour 23.015633333333334 21.6921 25.4502 Darkness, 3 hours 21.555866666666667 17.6261 23.6045 Darkness, 5 hours 20.114733333333334 16.336 24.9284 Darkness, 7 hours 21.535 21.4063 21.7807 Darkness, 11 hours 17.380066666666664 13.9408 23.7734 Vegetative buds 27.102366666666665 26.3756 28.3613 Female buds 15.8633 10.5318 19.6325 Male buds 16.950233333333333 13.4015 19.9299 Buds 32.69785 26.921 38.4747 Pineapple galls 38.7562 38.7562 38.7562 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 23.196538888888888 17.409 33.3389 Somatic germinants - normal type 28.140945 21.3235 34.815 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 21.6919 18.7614 23.5954 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 27.538666666666668 22.2928 30.2209 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 36.0054 33.2995 41.0368 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 18.5788 16.5446 21.9343 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 21.2437 19.3275 22.8529 Cell culture - solid medium 38.586133333333336 36.6302 39.9141 Somatic embryogenic cell line 11.736564444444445 2.44441 19.2755