condition mean min max Immature female cone 7.75647 7.75647 7.75647 Immature male cones 9.48866 9.48866 9.48866 Cambium and expanding xylem 4.34877 4.34877 4.34877 Cambium 6.5678 2.77091 11.7269 Expanding xylem 8.8313875 4.10513 14.0334 Expanding and mature xylem 10.2494125 2.80325 14.3498 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 16.7987 15.9366 17.6608 Bark 12.090605428571429 6.72255 19.322 Bark, healthy 14.22264 8.62052 21.0875 S1 xylem tracheids 15.400974999999999 13.1736 17.8817 S1 whole sections 8.4389375 6.95372 9.74838 S2 ray cells 11.270735 9.96094 13.0645 S2 xylem tracheids 5.1319075000000005 4.14887 6.54851 S2 whole sections 6.90358 6.54559 7.18377 Dead late wood 10.6939 10.6939 10.6939 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 7.1857 7.1857 7.1857 Bark, root and butt rot 14.62314 11.6323 24.2991 Vegetative shoots - needles 11.05541 8.72282 13.388 Vegetative shoots - stem 16.9166 16.9166 16.9166 Vegetative shoots 12.56775 10.5282 14.6073 Girdled twig - stem 7.45764 7.45764 7.45764 Dried twig - needles 12.2204 12.2204 12.2204 Girdled twig - needles 13.1059 13.1059 13.1059 Needles 7.523766666666667 3.29894 14.7624 Needles - dawn 8.74106 8.74106 8.74106 Needles - later afternoon 10.7047 10.7047 10.7047 Needles - midday 10.7456 10.7456 10.7456 Needles - night 9.8221 9.8221 9.8221 Light, 1 hour 10.582273333333333 8.76925 12.2588 Light, 3 hours 7.513593333333334 6.0625 8.7659 Light, 5 hours 9.582263333333334 6.82823 12.6308 Light, 7 hours 8.95343 6.95217 10.1633 Light, 9 hours 9.080186666666666 8.30148 10.0682 Light, 13 hours 8.594163333333334 7.21949 10.0386 Light, 15 hours 8.23488 7.81297 8.82145 Darkness, 1 hour 10.308933333333334 7.6566 12.4145 Darkness, 3 hours 7.848723333333333 5.94875 9.31414 Darkness, 5 hours 7.5831100000000005 5.78356 10.3792 Darkness, 7 hours 12.528433333333334 11.2301 14.1076 Darkness, 11 hours 7.3017199999999995 6.38646 8.60651 Vegetative buds 16.877533333333332 14.9994 18.7518 Female buds 14.851876666666668 8.84883 18.995 Male buds 19.322266666666668 17.7399 20.6401 Buds 11.536695 9.59989 13.4735 Pineapple galls 10.5575 10.5575 10.5575 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 7.987377222222222 6.12634 11.0587 Somatic germinants - normal type 8.685242 6.16952 12.0691 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 12.1042 10.552 13.2378 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 14.918633333333332 12.9811 16.2659 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 14.23819 8.10047 18.3283 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 11.241766666666667 11.0353 11.4261 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 9.870823333333334 9.53749 10.4374 Cell culture - solid medium 16.7028 15.0315 18.7571 Somatic embryogenic cell line 9.372347777777778 4.61553 12.3715