condition mean min max Immature female cone 16.4288 16.4288 16.4288 Immature male cones 13.0978 13.0978 13.0978 Cambium and expanding xylem 1.44729 1.44729 1.44729 Cambium 1.3468849999999999 0.952055 1.91194 Expanding xylem 1.20545875 0.259399 2.90845 Expanding and mature xylem 1.10152975 0.178481 2.07668 Maturing xylem 0.494716 0.494716 0.494716 Wood 12.86995 12.4661 13.2738 Bark 14.408982857142856 10.9453 18.5137 Bark, healthy 27.53078 23.7092 32.0499 S1 xylem tracheids 5.543965 5.08669 6.4967 S1 whole sections 7.4063375 6.79771 8.23441 S2 ray cells 10.152915 8.89493 12.8057 S2 xylem tracheids 7.5818075 6.6864 8.74008 S2 whole sections 7.603945 6.63633 8.92707 Dead late wood 1.14418 1.14418 1.14418 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.609777 0.609777 0.609777 Bark, root and butt rot 24.08038 20.166 29.3697 Vegetative shoots - needles 13.133700000000001 10.4174 15.85 Vegetative shoots - stem 8.33952 8.33952 8.33952 Vegetative shoots 8.638055 7.22851 10.0476 Girdled twig - stem 10.6985 10.6985 10.6985 Dried twig - needles 13.1929 13.1929 13.1929 Girdled twig - needles 11.0709 11.0709 11.0709 Needles 24.729176111111112 8.50997 69.7733 Needles - dawn 17.566 17.566 17.566 Needles - later afternoon 15.0072 15.0072 15.0072 Needles - midday 16.5818 16.5818 16.5818 Needles - night 18.35 18.35 18.35 Light, 1 hour 208.43066666666667 192.436 231.423 Light, 3 hours 208.08666666666667 190.374 228.565 Light, 5 hours 181.96633333333332 170.569 192.795 Light, 7 hours 185.077 144.262 225.893 Light, 9 hours 179.49866666666665 150.779 234.742 Light, 13 hours 195.95033333333333 183.397 218.642 Light, 15 hours 194.99533333333332 183.201 217.405 Darkness, 1 hour 149.31799999999998 146.516 151.607 Darkness, 3 hours 180.30066666666667 163.22 199.677 Darkness, 5 hours 139.43166666666667 117.255 158.342 Darkness, 7 hours 199.57 192.692 213.152 Darkness, 11 hours 144.04876666666667 86.8553 177.277 Vegetative buds 11.358566666666666 11.1934 11.5026 Female buds 9.8097 6.2827 12.5587 Male buds 11.600433333333333 11.3346 11.8544 Buds 9.14489 8.84199 9.44779 Pineapple galls 9.50568 9.50568 9.50568 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 15.567461111111111 11.8755 19.0661 Somatic germinants - normal type 16.12911 13.4255 21.133 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 14.502933333333333 12.8144 16.1101 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 16.817633333333333 15.7059 18.8075 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 16.862633333333335 14.415 18.3641 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 15.533266666666666 13.103 16.9408 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 12.815166666666666 11.6899 14.7511 Cell culture - solid medium 17.261433333333333 16.7403 17.7038 Somatic embryogenic cell line 12.440451111111111 1.00709 22.9244