condition mean min max Immature female cone 14.1273 14.1273 14.1273 Immature male cones 11.2158 11.2158 11.2158 Cambium and expanding xylem 5.40658 5.40658 5.40658 Cambium 7.185483333333333 3.64065 13.9546 Expanding xylem 4.828865 4.35732 5.45809 Expanding and mature xylem 2.4762032499999997 0.825533 4.28166 Maturing xylem 1.42907 1.42907 1.42907 Wood 17.709200000000003 16.1807 19.2377 Bark 21.44974285714286 8.85521 43.2948 Bark, healthy 33.71472 24.7726 44.3996 S1 xylem tracheids 14.793075 14.3046 15.4428 S1 whole sections 17.251675 15.3826 19.6791 S2 ray cells 17.343275 16.2825 19.6667 S2 xylem tracheids 21.522875 18.1291 23.2059 S2 whole sections 16.483425 15.3025 18.4466 Dead late wood 3.07449 3.07449 3.07449 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 3.5552 3.5552 3.5552 Bark, root and butt rot 36.2224 31.0627 48.6502 Vegetative shoots - needles 53.560199999999995 51.7168 55.4036 Vegetative shoots - stem 21.2892 21.2892 21.2892 Vegetative shoots 24.1702 17.6504 30.69 Girdled twig - stem 23.1276 23.1276 23.1276 Dried twig - needles 55.644 55.644 55.644 Girdled twig - needles 54.7858 54.7858 54.7858 Needles 69.59101111111111 31.2678 106.846 Needles - dawn 57.5145 57.5145 57.5145 Needles - later afternoon 71.0106 71.0106 71.0106 Needles - midday 64.7584 64.7584 64.7584 Needles - night 66.0981 66.0981 66.0981 Light, 1 hour 91.51133333333334 72.8374 106.643 Light, 3 hours 88.89493333333333 76.2114 97.5848 Light, 5 hours 89.20486666666666 85.5368 94.1125 Light, 7 hours 89.2411 72.0793 107.809 Light, 9 hours 82.3475 72.5505 98.67 Light, 13 hours 85.82863333333333 73.3307 100.537 Light, 15 hours 91.75659999999999 88.095 96.7606 Darkness, 1 hour 68.25566666666667 55.9564 76.4479 Darkness, 3 hours 90.51263333333333 79.2401 108.795 Darkness, 5 hours 71.34863333333334 68.4873 74.3171 Darkness, 7 hours 93.44963333333334 90.2013 97.9 Darkness, 11 hours 80.7263 48.9628 99.0405 Vegetative buds 29.0433 26.6693 30.5263 Female buds 21.774833333333333 12.1546 27.3494 Male buds 18.166066666666666 15.7962 20.4771 Buds 13.6959 12.6198 14.772 Pineapple galls 24.6105 24.6105 24.6105 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 43.537327777777776 33.3538 58.7742 Somatic germinants - normal type 47.930495 35.3149 61.9801 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 35.48506666666667 34.5159 36.8795 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 47.56236666666667 45.256 49.9851 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 47.158033333333336 45.4306 49.9379 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 41.9601 40.9815 43.9025 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 37.64236666666667 36.2928 38.8454 Cell culture - solid medium 44.2846 40.4997 47.028 Somatic embryogenic cell line 24.851554444444446 9.89089 29.1907