condition mean min max Immature female cone 3.32539 3.32539 3.32539 Immature male cones 5.57354 5.57354 5.57354 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.28858 2.28858 2.28858 Cambium 3.3990523333333336 0.804227 4.8901 Expanding xylem 5.732765 3.04549 6.83444 Expanding and mature xylem 3.0782725 0.0 8.58782 Maturing xylem 1.57279 1.57279 1.57279 Wood 7.03008 6.54934 7.51082 Bark 5.410072 2.3362 8.96161 Bark, healthy 1.5748436 0.131058 3.37106 S1 xylem tracheids 7.1226275 6.09838 8.14463 S1 whole sections 2.21528 1.71006 3.17153 S2 ray cells 3.2126725 2.62878 3.73005 S2 xylem tracheids 2.00985 1.28002 3.10829 S2 whole sections 1.7028125 1.02147 2.14229 Dead late wood 2.68256 2.68256 2.68256 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.869496 0.869496 0.869496 Bark, root and butt rot 1.598812 1.06208 2.02854 Vegetative shoots - needles 4.3241 3.70729 4.94091 Vegetative shoots - stem 3.9334 3.9334 3.9334 Vegetative shoots 2.94278 2.32057 3.56499 Girdled twig - stem 4.91308 4.91308 4.91308 Dried twig - needles 3.83185 3.83185 3.83185 Girdled twig - needles 3.4253 3.4253 3.4253 Needles 5.423228333333333 1.98986 12.4834 Needles - dawn 3.23451 3.23451 3.23451 Needles - later afternoon 3.90585 3.90585 3.90585 Needles - midday 4.00989 4.00989 4.00989 Needles - night 4.00464 4.00464 4.00464 Light, 1 hour 8.749558333333333 6.33743 10.1273 Light, 3 hours 10.49414 9.87182 11.0602 Light, 5 hours 7.96986 6.22859 8.97353 Light, 7 hours 9.68704 7.77791 13.1362 Light, 9 hours 8.239263333333334 7.0322 10.3142 Light, 13 hours 8.928886666666667 8.75008 9.02996 Light, 15 hours 7.621426666666666 6.16746 9.7038 Darkness, 1 hour 11.220766666666668 9.0606 12.7466 Darkness, 3 hours 10.344623333333333 9.53461 11.6279 Darkness, 5 hours 6.846926666666667 6.41779 7.63582 Darkness, 7 hours 13.690433333333333 10.9756 16.7752 Darkness, 11 hours 7.82293 4.29985 11.6646 Vegetative buds 5.874086666666667 5.41943 6.31748 Female buds 4.950833333333334 3.12454 6.81226 Male buds 9.341243333333333 6.66962 11.4462 Buds 4.38067 3.73692 5.02442 Pineapple galls 4.25343 4.25343 4.25343 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 3.750513333333333 2.48483 5.4718 Somatic germinants - normal type 3.811166 2.26229 8.382 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 5.27748 4.61622 5.61246 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 6.472963333333333 6.0302 6.82045 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 5.37816 4.91112 6.23455 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 6.384203333333334 5.21133 7.45419 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 4.3992 3.98747 4.84644 Cell culture - solid medium 4.988943333333333 4.22044 5.81508 Somatic embryogenic cell line 4.790712222222222 1.88351 6.50503