condition mean min max Immature female cone 30.6926 30.6926 30.6926 Immature male cones 31.5122 31.5122 31.5122 Cambium and expanding xylem 7.46209 7.46209 7.46209 Cambium 5.8772633333333335 5.84922 5.91916 Expanding xylem 2.3017950000000003 0.0 3.59785 Expanding and mature xylem 2.067722 0.0 7.89976 Maturing xylem 12.4223 12.4223 12.4223 Wood 8.624089999999999 4.12168 13.1265 Bark 125.72526285714285 79.4023 178.162 Bark, healthy 25.41252 14.7706 32.9314 S1 xylem tracheids 5.4304325 4.54276 6.66752 S1 whole sections 3.65553975 0.709909 5.84582 S2 ray cells 10.3265875 6.79869 13.5966 S2 xylem tracheids 14.132455 9.52672 20.1536 S2 whole sections 5.6082175 3.80121 7.78414 Dead late wood 34.7448 34.7448 34.7448 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 21.6185 21.6185 21.6185 Bark, root and butt rot 20.39768 16.3003 28.4924 Vegetative shoots - needles 602.2595 527.726 676.793 Vegetative shoots - stem 65.9488 65.9488 65.9488 Vegetative shoots 129.22545 14.0079 244.443 Girdled twig - stem 92.9022 92.9022 92.9022 Dried twig - needles 533.343 533.343 533.343 Girdled twig - needles 724.094 724.094 724.094 Needles 195.91691111111112 20.3521 571.382 Needles - dawn 763.625 763.625 763.625 Needles - later afternoon 738.907 738.907 738.907 Needles - midday 688.376 688.376 688.376 Needles - night 762.374 762.374 762.374 Light, 1 hour 370.7175 314.62 424.389 Light, 3 hours 364.66766666666666 317.397 433.836 Light, 5 hours 338.058 301.892 408.856 Light, 7 hours 304.90833333333336 261.06 349.654 Light, 9 hours 291.5926666666667 266.218 330.38 Light, 13 hours 305.0763333333333 287.755 322.911 Light, 15 hours 336.139 320.669 347.927 Darkness, 1 hour 239.465 211.937 276.176 Darkness, 3 hours 286.468 240.49 320.892 Darkness, 5 hours 230.67533333333333 212.561 252.038 Darkness, 7 hours 360.8673333333333 327.114 398.769 Darkness, 11 hours 278.7966666666667 138.627 357.986 Vegetative buds 46.60626666666667 38.5341 50.7969 Female buds 26.426433333333332 21.7291 34.2954 Male buds 19.4728 17.2053 22.105 Buds 19.12755 18.7182 19.5369 Pineapple galls 167.243 167.243 167.243 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 114.38993888888889 77.1908 138.442 Somatic germinants - normal type 128.50724 89.6764 166.236 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 30.13573333333333 28.2093 32.5404 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 35.51476666666667 31.3723 40.5673 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 46.4376 39.9957 56.1073 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 37.2755 34.2172 39.481 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 25.493733333333335 22.0496 27.8377 Cell culture - solid medium 70.5409 63.55 80.3094 Somatic embryogenic cell line 3.7129677777777776 0.0 5.88647