condition mean min max Immature female cone 17.3399 17.3399 17.3399 Immature male cones 6.95871 6.95871 6.95871 Cambium and expanding xylem 12.4182 12.4182 12.4182 Cambium 11.36118 3.51314 19.3786 Expanding xylem 15.45865 14.2195 16.8301 Expanding and mature xylem 13.142325 9.297 18.4825 Maturing xylem 7.1399 7.1399 7.1399 Wood 29.59885 28.2909 30.9068 Bark 29.90330857142857 22.6897 37.7675 Bark, healthy 35.3935 22.0889 43.1129 S1 xylem tracheids 81.909825 79.7917 85.2673 S1 whole sections 54.737425 51.3679 56.5967 S2 ray cells 79.67512500000001 78.1956 81.0368 S2 xylem tracheids 47.62235 45.1368 48.6645 S2 whole sections 46.940675 46.4108 48.1486 Dead late wood 4.68811 4.68811 4.68811 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 10.4065 10.4065 10.4065 Bark, root and butt rot 31.49446 19.893 37.1708 Vegetative shoots - needles 8.15448 7.64658 8.66238 Vegetative shoots - stem 28.3004 28.3004 28.3004 Vegetative shoots 14.332699999999999 13.3156 15.3498 Girdled twig - stem 19.2381 19.2381 19.2381 Dried twig - needles 10.5267 10.5267 10.5267 Girdled twig - needles 8.42632 8.42632 8.42632 Needles 21.959532777777778 4.57573 40.2771 Needles - dawn 9.97853 9.97853 9.97853 Needles - later afternoon 6.80601 6.80601 6.80601 Needles - midday 6.41128 6.41128 6.41128 Needles - night 7.87474 7.87474 7.87474 Light, 1 hour 15.3788 13.3743 16.7153 Light, 3 hours 14.711633333333333 12.1854 16.4301 Light, 5 hours 15.6648 14.3907 17.7351 Light, 7 hours 16.97833333333333 15.4298 18.1283 Light, 9 hours 15.1922 12.9331 18.435 Light, 13 hours 12.6165 11.7127 13.9865 Light, 15 hours 14.508033333333334 13.0524 16.0501 Darkness, 1 hour 13.418866666666666 11.6567 15.443 Darkness, 3 hours 15.568066666666667 12.6928 17.0228 Darkness, 5 hours 13.7837 12.174 15.1771 Darkness, 7 hours 16.7771 16.1228 17.2614 Darkness, 11 hours 12.82286 9.54308 14.7962 Vegetative buds 40.7095 35.7621 45.6179 Female buds 28.7454 17.3875 35.3183 Male buds 39.1534 36.4467 40.6963 Buds 26.34215 25.4988 27.1855 Pineapple galls 22.05 22.05 22.05 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 19.551433333333332 15.61 24.1619 Somatic germinants - normal type 24.19586 14.1639 31.145 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 9.77473 9.15889 10.0953 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 17.403533333333336 17.0589 17.7027 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 16.939733333333333 14.9558 18.4308 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 10.9856 10.5117 11.3472 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 8.31905 7.85581 8.76169 Cell culture - solid medium 16.2868 15.4804 16.7216 Somatic embryogenic cell line 19.391156666666667 9.61571 22.7527