condition mean min max Immature female cone 5.29338 5.29338 5.29338 Immature male cones 7.2549 7.2549 7.2549 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.401925 0.401925 0.401925 Cambium 4.80016 1.81164 9.01749 Expanding xylem 0.321175 0.0 0.71314 Expanding and mature xylem 0.39767125000000003 0.0 0.947015 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 3.328945 2.06244 4.59545 Bark 1.6914737142857144 0.591971 3.4648 Bark, healthy 1.3459482 0.435992 2.3343 S1 xylem tracheids 0.25319125 0.140883 0.422078 S1 whole sections 0.8996995 0.720776 1.05535 S2 ray cells 1.13693825 0.709215 1.84669 S2 xylem tracheids 1.683345 1.27738 2.4631 S2 whole sections 1.04754425 0.683867 1.32788 Dead late wood 0.642431 0.642431 0.642431 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 1.26861 1.26861 1.26861 Bark, root and butt rot 1.2812332 0.499784 2.31116 Vegetative shoots - needles 3.06229 2.90747 3.21711 Vegetative shoots - stem 3.5868 3.5868 3.5868 Vegetative shoots 5.89933 1.14996 10.6487 Girdled twig - stem 7.16824 7.16824 7.16824 Dried twig - needles 2.05558 2.05558 2.05558 Girdled twig - needles 3.4678 3.4678 3.4678 Needles 3.7736055555555557 0.64498 9.39676 Needles - dawn 3.64609 3.64609 3.64609 Needles - later afternoon 2.9398 2.9398 2.9398 Needles - midday 3.21931 3.21931 3.21931 Needles - night 4.14829 4.14829 4.14829 Light, 1 hour 5.9717183333333335 4.00375 10.0193 Light, 3 hours 6.641156666666667 5.14906 7.65223 Light, 5 hours 5.901796666666667 5.13642 6.57151 Light, 7 hours 6.597963333333333 5.77251 7.93564 Light, 9 hours 5.891906666666666 5.22076 6.46601 Light, 13 hours 6.537346666666666 6.22499 6.7399 Light, 15 hours 6.205736666666667 5.75902 6.49884 Darkness, 1 hour 6.724123333333333 5.86769 7.64443 Darkness, 3 hours 6.51814 5.47109 8.30457 Darkness, 5 hours 5.334326666666667 4.82766 6.18708 Darkness, 7 hours 4.997033333333333 3.41454 5.88615 Darkness, 11 hours 4.68746 3.36163 5.71778 Vegetative buds 6.863813333333333 5.83054 7.80108 Female buds 6.848556666666667 4.11554 10.3773 Male buds 9.945566666666666 8.87139 11.7231 Buds 5.0016750000000005 4.84058 5.16277 Pineapple galls 3.89001 3.89001 3.89001 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 3.5881644444444443 2.12975 5.32457 Somatic germinants - normal type 3.2736865 1.7882 4.41159 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 9.919083333333333 8.96065 10.4471 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 13.171866666666666 11.7842 13.9956 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 12.276 10.8642 13.433 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 11.356466666666666 10.501 12.8435 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 7.49085 6.16571 9.14482 Cell culture - solid medium 8.76707 7.98452 9.61559 Somatic embryogenic cell line 10.512285555555556 8.17235 14.4649