condition mean min max Immature female cone 0.918853 0.918853 0.918853 Immature male cones 1.30242 1.30242 1.30242 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.169542 0.169542 0.169542 Cambium 0.590301 0.468084 0.787289 Expanding xylem 0.20069025 0.0 0.442015 Expanding and mature xylem 0.30155825 0.0 0.655729 Maturing xylem 0.527092 0.527092 0.527092 Wood 0.893586 0.508552 1.27862 Bark 2.0551210857142856 0.728815 5.71089 Bark, healthy 6.473856 1.03462 10.2517 S1 xylem tracheids 0.17628892499999999 0.0527917 0.346196 S1 whole sections 0.4388835 0.190928 0.768122 S2 ray cells 1.05587725 0.649151 1.4335 S2 xylem tracheids 0.851588 0.57567 1.0668 S2 whole sections 0.69729875 0.520247 0.871664 Dead late wood 0.609736 0.609736 0.609736 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.27252 0.27252 0.27252 Bark, root and butt rot 7.941144 2.42968 22.9024 Vegetative shoots - needles 9.969055 4.29541 15.6427 Vegetative shoots - stem 7.37908 7.37908 7.37908 Vegetative shoots 3.3469360000000004 0.221822 6.47205 Girdled twig - stem 0.559954 0.559954 0.559954 Dried twig - needles 8.08083 8.08083 8.08083 Girdled twig - needles 9.64856 9.64856 9.64856 Needles 0.8388982222222222 0.166081 2.35112 Needles - dawn 5.50558 5.50558 5.50558 Needles - later afternoon 6.2784 6.2784 6.2784 Needles - midday 2.90427 2.90427 2.90427 Needles - night 5.8111 5.8111 5.8111 Light, 1 hour 4.130773333333333 2.08483 8.24378 Light, 3 hours 2.67335 1.03214 3.63507 Light, 5 hours 4.99759 4.12681 5.76905 Light, 7 hours 3.347386666666667 1.41879 6.37077 Light, 9 hours 3.2024933333333334 2.01969 5.49852 Light, 13 hours 2.4526 1.83696 3.27051 Light, 15 hours 2.3771033333333333 1.72359 2.84243 Darkness, 1 hour 3.1172566666666666 2.05775 3.77945 Darkness, 3 hours 2.343103333333333 1.18834 4.56422 Darkness, 5 hours 3.76552 1.50476 6.65321 Darkness, 7 hours 6.25367 3.9203 8.83448 Darkness, 11 hours 2.5905776666666664 0.817423 4.71711 Vegetative buds 2.7408856666666668 0.533217 5.40177 Female buds 0.6739684333333333 0.0482233 1.45256 Male buds 1.703481 0.671093 3.60724 Buds 4.191415 1.51065 6.87218 Pineapple galls 4.38863 4.38863 4.38863 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 8.998223333333334 7.10152 12.3013 Somatic germinants - normal type 9.3185395 4.04193 13.8316 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 3.63048 3.11493 4.0794 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 19.129133333333332 18.1813 20.3395 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 14.1633 13.4613 15.3141 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 2.2151733333333334 1.78127 2.90661 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 2.30828 2.11946 2.67188 Cell culture - solid medium 12.8498 12.1203 13.4616 Somatic embryogenic cell line 0.24285841111111112 0.0 0.591016