condition mean min max Immature female cone 97.1359 97.1359 97.1359 Immature male cones 57.2612 57.2612 57.2612 Cambium and expanding xylem 16.7695 16.7695 16.7695 Cambium 39.760666666666665 19.0583 79.6205 Expanding xylem 16.4894 12.0891 23.9698 Expanding and mature xylem 11.755220000000001 3.37168 18.8484 Maturing xylem 11.5218 11.5218 11.5218 Wood 54.661 41.7264 67.5956 Bark 65.03904285714286 27.9006 101.409 Bark, healthy 41.39714 34.5669 52.3598 S1 xylem tracheids 12.32995 11.6069 12.7517 S1 whole sections 23.52905 22.3942 24.3313 S2 ray cells 46.28 45.622 47.0912 S2 xylem tracheids 47.7798 47.2106 48.0223 S2 whole sections 31.61465 30.6122 33.0636 Dead late wood 13.8385 13.8385 13.8385 Phloem and cambium 0.0317137 0.0317137 0.0317137 Dear early and late wood 18.3636 18.3636 18.3636 Bark, root and butt rot 47.64216 28.6325 69.0812 Vegetative shoots - needles 76.88425000000001 63.1674 90.6011 Vegetative shoots - stem 72.8493 72.8493 72.8493 Vegetative shoots 111.935 49.889 173.981 Girdled twig - stem 69.1893 69.1893 69.1893 Dried twig - needles 49.715 49.715 49.715 Girdled twig - needles 57.421 57.421 57.421 Needles 109.916 27.2473 175.847 Needles - dawn 84.2184 84.2184 84.2184 Needles - later afternoon 85.1751 85.1751 85.1751 Needles - midday 91.8563 91.8563 91.8563 Needles - night 85.8835 85.8835 85.8835 Light, 1 hour 284.3736666666667 257.759 317.52 Light, 3 hours 340.591 300.638 372.146 Light, 5 hours 295.8453333333333 275.506 310.986 Light, 7 hours 300.276 267.553 317.389 Light, 9 hours 300.0913333333333 229.645 388.604 Light, 13 hours 293.408 228.924 359.579 Light, 15 hours 322.81766666666664 298.787 366.854 Darkness, 1 hour 310.65766666666667 261.899 370.442 Darkness, 3 hours 321.886 291.437 341.976 Darkness, 5 hours 259.6253333333333 184.494 333.304 Darkness, 7 hours 300.334 292.557 310.644 Darkness, 11 hours 277.179 158.657 357.072 Vegetative buds 62.96436666666667 51.133 72.1483 Female buds 54.884 34.5101 73.0993 Male buds 78.15443333333333 72.2592 82.863 Buds 66.72794999999999 64.9907 68.4652 Pineapple galls 50.9831 50.9831 50.9831 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 102.24063333333334 72.7766 146.456 Somatic germinants - normal type 107.48527 75.2475 148.642 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 136.148 130.856 139.09 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 193.64666666666668 185.41 209.386 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 206.68433333333334 202.579 209.787 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 152.99166666666667 133.1 176.165 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 131.874 125.185 141.656 Cell culture - solid medium 197.64766666666668 191.945 207.336 Somatic embryogenic cell line 78.04794444444444 38.6277 89.4201